Cruise i Østersjøen med Costa Magica

21. juli til 28. juli 2018

Cruiset begynte og avsluttet i Stockholm.
Underveis besøkte vi Helsinki i Finland, St. Petersburg i Russland,
(kanaltur, Vinterpalasset, Church on the Spilled Blood,
Catherine Palace, Peterhof Park, The Saints Peter & Paul Cathedral
Kronstadt på Kotlin, Tallinn i Estland og Stockholm i Sverige

Siden er fra 11. august 2018.

Grete Emblemsvåg

Endringer 8.1.2025

tilbake til 1. side
Første etappe gikk med fly til Stockholm.   Vi ble hentet på Arlanda
flyplass og kjørt til Frihamnen Cruiseterminal,  der Costa Magica ventet.

Lørdag 21. juli 2018

Isbjørn på Gardermoen Flyplass, Oslo


Stor trafikk på
Arlanda Flyplass, Stockholm

Costa Magica
Her i havn i St. Petersburg

Vi er på plass i lugaren,
vårt hjem de neste 7 dagene.

Ombord rakk vi akkurat å spise før lunsjserveringen var over.
Hadde vi ikke rukket den, hadde det ikke vært lenge å vente før det var
tea-time med kaker og mere til.
Ristorante Buffet Bellagio

Kapellet ombord

Skulpturen står rett
utenfor kapellet

Middagen spiste vi på
Ristorante Costa Smeralda
hver kveld.

Der hadde vi fast bord
sammen med åtte andre
norske turister.

God mat hver kveld

Etter middagen gikk vi
til baren.

Her Pianobar
Capo Colonna.

Kveld og stille på soldekk.

Stockholm en sen kveld.

Solnedgang i Stockholm

Første natta lå båten i Stockholm.

Klokka 7 neste morgen seilte vi mot Helsinki.
En fin tur gjennom Stockholms skjærgård.

Ankomst Helsinki klokka 8 mandag 23. juli

Søndag 22. juli 2018

Søndag var vi på sjøen hele dagen.

Fin seiling gjennom Stockholms skjærgård.

En fin dag på soldekket

Frokost på restaurant Belaggio



Cruiset begynte med en rolig dag.
Været var fint, og vi koste oss på dekk og i boblebadet.

Fredriksborgs fästning är en befästningsanläggning i Värmdö kommun vid Oxdjupet, inloppet till Stockholm. Fästningen bestod av torn,
strandverk och kringbyggnader. Anläggningen ingick i försvaret som
byggdes upp i Stockholms skärgård för att skydda Stockholm efter rysshärjningarna utmed ostkusten 1719.

Måkene følger båten


Mange idyller i Stockholms skjærgård


Fergene Gulli og Frida


Folksomt rundt bassengene

Taket over boblebad og basseng kan trekkes til side.

Grete tar boblebad

Det er kveld og middagstid.
Grete stiller i lang kjole
denne kvelden.


Ristorante Costa Smeralda.
Under middagen var det underholdning.

Det er kveld og stille på restaurantene rundt bassengene.
Show med ABBA-melodier
i Gran Bar Salento


Mandag 23. juli 2018

 Ankomst Helsinki klokka 8.

Det var ca 3,5 km og gå inn til Helsinki sentrum.
Derfor var det satt opp chuttlebusser som skulle gå fra klokka 0830 til 1700.
Alle skulle være ombord kl 17 30 og klokka 18 00 skulle vi seile videre mot
St. Petersburg.

Helsinki (/ˈhɛlsɪŋki, hɛlˈsɪŋki/;Finnish: Swedish: Helsingfors  is the capital city
and most populous municipality of Finland. Located on the shore of the Gulf of Finland, it is the seat of the region of Uusimaa in southern Finland, and has a population of 642,045.
The city's urban area has a population of 1,231,595, making it by far the most populous urban area in Finland as well as the country's most important center
for politics, education, finance, culture, and research. Helsinki is located 80
kilometres (50 mi) north of Tallinn, Estonia, 400 km (250 mi) east
of Stockholm, Sweden, and 390 km (240 mi) west of Saint Petersburg, Russia.
It has close historical ties with these three cities.

Grete i Helsinki havn

Havn, salgsboder og Uspenski-katedralen

Samme sted som bildet til venstre var det pariserhjul og badebasseng.

Karl Martin har
alltid lyst på en
Magnum is.



Uspenski Cathedral

(Finnish: Uspenskin katedraali,
Swedish: Uspenskij
, Russian:
Успенский собор
Uspenskij sobor
) is an Eastern Orthodox
cathedral in
Finland, and main cathedral of the
Orthodox Church of Finland
, dedicated to the Dormition of the Theotokos
(the Virgin Mary).
Its name comes from the
 Old Church
word uspenie, which denotes the
Designed by the

Aleksey Gornostayev

The cathedral was
built after his death
in 1862–1868.

The crypt chapel of  the cathedral
is named after the holy
, who served as vicar of
the Orthodox parish of Helsinki 1914–1917.

The Cathedral is set upon a hillside on

 Katajanokka peninsula overlooking
the city. On the back of the cathedral,

there is a plaque commemorating Russian Emperor Alexander II, who was
the sovereign of the Grand Duchy of Finland during the cathedral's construction.
Main cathedral of the
 Finnish Orthodox Church in the diocese of Helsinki,
Uspenski Cathedral is claimed to be the largest
orthodox church in Western




Domkirken sett fra Uspenskin-katedralen

Plassen foran Uspenskin-katedralen

Havn i Helsinki

Ravintola Nokka

The lightship Relandersgrund at
the Meritullintori quay is a floating
cafe and bar, open from May to
October. A nice seaview towards Korkeasaari island as well as over the Uspenski cathedral, along the
shoreline of Katajanokka to the ice breakers and also towards the old wooden ships at Halkolaituri quay.
A wide selection of beverages,
also some snacks available.

The Senate Square (Finnish: Senaatintori, Swedish: Senatstorget) presents Carl Ludvig Engel's architecture as a unique allegory of political, religious, scientific
and commercial powers in the centre of Helsinki, Finland.
Senate Square and its surroundings make up the oldest part of central Helsinki. Landmarks and famous buildings surrounding the square are the Helsinki
Cathedral, the Government Palace, main building of the University of Helsinki,
and Sederholm House (Finnish: Sederholmin talo), the oldest building of central Helsinki dating from 1757.
Helsinki Cathedral (Finnish:
Suurkirkko; Swedish:
Helsingfors domkyrka,
Storkyrkan) is the Finnish
Evangelical Lutheran
cathedral of the Diocese of
Helsinki, located in the
neighborhood of Kruununhaka
in the centre of Helsinki, Finland.
The church was originally built
from 1830-1852 as a tribute to
the Grand Duke of Finland, Tsar
Nicholas I of Russia.
It was also known as St Nicholas'
Church until the independence
of Finland in 1917.
It is a major landmark of the


Helsinki Domkirke, alter


Statuen av Alexander II
på Senatsplassen i Helsinki.
Bak statuen ligger hovedbygningen
til Universitetet.

A statue of Emperor Alexander II is located in the center of the square.
The statue, erected in 1894, was
built to commemorate his re-establishment of the Diet of Finland
in 1863 as well as his initiation of
several reforms that increased
Finland's autonomy from Russia.
The statue comprises Alexander
on a pedestal surrounded by
figures representing law, culture, and peasants. The sculptor was Walter
Runeberg. During the Russification
of Finland from 1899 onwards, the
statue became a symbol of quiet resistance, with people protesting
against the decrees of Nicholas II
by leaving flowers at the foot of the statue of his grandfather, then known
in Finland as "the good czar".
After Finland's independence in
1917, demands were made to remove
the statue. Later, it was suggested to replace it with the equestrian statue of Mannerheim currently located on Mannerheimintie in front of the Kiasma museum.

Nothing came of either of these suggestions, and today the statue is one of the major tourist landmarks of the city and a reminder of Finland's close relationship with Imperial Russia.



Grete handler i Fazer-butikken

Statuen av Finlands
Johan Ludvig Runeberg
i Esplanadparken i
Monumentet er formet av
dikterens sønn Walter
Runeberg og reist 1885.

, eller bare
Esplanaden, (finsk Esplanadin
puisto, populært Espen)
er en park i sentrum av
Helsingfors, avgrenset av
gatene Norra Esplanaden
og Södra Esplanaden, av
Svenska Teatern og
Mannerheimvägen i vest,
og av Salutorget i øst.
Parken fremkom første gang i Helsingfors' byplan fra 1812.
Parken er en av byens mest populære.
På nordsiden av parken står en rekke av byens fineste nyrenessansebygninger.
Karl Martin er sliten av
kirker og handling


Eino Leino (6 July 1878 – 10
January 1926) was a Finnish poet and journalist
and is considered one of the
pioneers of Finnish poetry.
His poems combine modern
and Finnish folk elements.
The style of much of
his work is like the Kalevala
and folk songs. Nature, love,
and despair are frequent
themes in Leino's work.
He is beloved and widely
read in Finland today.

ETT MONUMENT ÖVER Z. TOPELIUS    "Saga och sanning" av Gunnar Finne

På sokkelen av
skulpturen til venstre.

Johan Gunnar Finne (4 April 1886 – 17 September 1952) was a Finnish sculptor. The architect Elna Kiljander became a
single mother after a brief marriage
with Finne from 1918 to 1926.

Finne's best-known work is the
memorial for the author Zachris Topelius in Helsinki. Finne entered
the memorial competition arranged
in 1928 with an entry titled "Fact
and Fable" and won the competition. The finished bronze sculpture was unveiled in 1932 in the Esplanadi  Park in central Helsinki.
His other works include war
heroes statues in Hollola (1941), Karkkila (1948) and Jyväskylä (1922).
Finne was awarded the Pro Finlandia medal in 1951.
Gunnar Finne - Wikipedia   
(26. januar 2026)

Cruisehavna i

Denne selen ønsker                               
velkommen til Helsinki
Grete tar et glass rødvin etter byturen.

Tirsdag 24. juli 2018
Ankomst St. Petersburg
klokka 07 00.
Møtepunkt for den store
St. Petersburg-turen
klokka 0730 i
Grand Bar Salento.
(Det var den turen
vi skulle være
med på.)

Grand Bar Salento en tidlig
tirsdags morgen
Saint Petersburg (Russian: Санкт-Петербу́рг, tr. Sankt-Peterburg,
IPA: [ˈsankt pʲɪtʲɪrˈburk])
is Russia's
 second-largest city after Moscow, with 5 million inhabitants in
part of the Saint Petersburg agglomeration with a population of
6.2 million (2015).
An important Russian
 port on the Baltic Sea, it has a status of a federal
(a federal city).

Situated on the Neva River, at the head of the Gulf of Finland on the
Baltic Sea
, it was founded by Tsar Peter the Great on May 27 [O.S. 16]
1703. On 1 September 1914, the name was changed from Saint Petersburg

Store blokker på
fra cruiseterminalen
og inn til


to Petrograd (Russian: Петрогра́д, IPA: [pʲɪtrɐˈgrat]), on 26 January
1924 to
 Leningrad (Russian: Ленингра́д, IPA: [lʲɪnʲɪnˈgrat]), and on
7 September 1991 back to Saint Petersburg.

Between 1713 and 1728 and in 1732–1918, Saint Petersburg was the
capital of Imperial Russia. In 1918, the central government bodies
moved to Moscow, which is about 625 kilometres (388 mi) to the
Saint Petersburg is one of the most modern cities of Russia, as well as
its cultural capital. The Historic Centre of Saint Petersburg and
Related Groups of Monuments constitute a UNESCO World Heritage
Site. Saint Petersburg is home to the Hermitage, one of the largest art
museums in the world. Many foreign consulates, international
corporations, banks and businesses have offices in Saint Petersburg.


The Bolshoi Circus

More than 120 years ago, the
"Circus on the Fontanka" was
opened and became the first
Russian building (made of stone) designated specifically for circus performances. The idea of the
"stone circus" occurred to the
Italian circus actor, rider, and
trainer Gaetano Ciniselli.
This building was considered to
be one of the most beautiful
circus edifices in Europe. It is
common knowledge that


the last Russian Emperor’s
(Nicholas II) family liked to
visit this circus often.

Til venstre:

Church of the Dormition, Church of the Assumption (Saint Petersburg)
The church was built in 1895-1897 by the cellar of the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra.

Fint med en båttur på elvene Fontanka og Neva

Fontanka (russisk: Фонтанка) er en elvekanal i Russland, en av floden Nevas
armer, som renner gjennom det sentrale Sankt Petersburg. Fontanka er 7,6 km
lang, har et maksimalt dyp på 3,5 m samt en største bredde på 70 m.
Fontanka kaltes for Den navnløse å (russisk: Безымянный ерик) fram
til ca 1712–1714 da den fikk det nåværende navnet i samband med at
den begynte å forsyne de mange fontenene i Sommerhagen med vann.
Frem til midten av 1700-tallet utgjorde den Sankt Petersburgs søndre
grense. Årene 1780-1789 forestod Andrej Kvasov en større regulering
 av elvekanalen, og det var da den fikk sine karakteristiske granittbanker.


Fontanka krysses av femten broer. Den mest kjente turde være
Anitsjkovbroen på hovedgaten Nevskij prospekt.
To andre kjente broer er Lomonosovbroen og den ekstravagante
egyptiske bro.

Summer Palace of Peter the Great

Summer Palace of Peter the Great

The first palace built in Saint Petersburg is not really a palace at all.
It is simply a regular two-story stone house in which Peter the Great,
the first Russian Emperor, spent the summer months. However,
this house is the beginning of the glorious history of Petersburg
palaces, which would soon match and even surpass the grandeur of
Versailles, Buckingham Palace and other great palaces of the world.
Since its construction, the Summer Palace has hardly been altered,
and today it gives its visitors a rare opportunity to see life as it was
300 years ago.

The Trinity (Troitsky) Bridge was opened in 1903 as part of the
celebrations of St. Petersburg's 200th anniversary.
It was the third permanent bridge, after Blagoveshchenskiy Bridge
and Liteiniy Bridge, to be laid across the River Neva, running form
just north of the Field of Mars on the left bank of the river to the
Petrograd Side next to the Peter and Paul Fortress. Measuring 582
meters, it is the second longest bridge in the city, one of the busiest,
and also one of the most beautiful thanks to its spectacularly
ornate Art Nouveau design.

The Neva (Russian: Нева́, IPA: [nʲɪˈva]) is a river in northwestern Russia flowing
from Lake Ladoga through the western part of Leningrad Oblast (historical
region of Ingria) to the Neva Bay of the Gulf of Finland.
Despite its modest length of 74 kilometres (46 mi), it is the fourth largest river
in Europe in terms of average discharge (after the Volga, the Danube
and the Rhine).
The Neva is the only river flowing from Lake Ladoga. It flows through the city of
Saint Petersburg, three smaller towns of Shlisselburg, Kirovsk and Otradnoye,
and dozens of settlements. The river is navigable throughout and is part of the
Volga–Baltic Waterway and White Sea – Baltic Canal.
It is a site of numerous major historical events, including the Battle of the Neva in 1240 which gave Alexander Nevsky his name, the founding of  Saint Petersburg in 1703, and the Siege of Leningrad by the German army during World War II.

Hydrofoilen ankommer St Petersburg
Hermetage Bridge

Krigsskip som er kommet for å delta i "Navy Day".
I bakgrunnen sees Peter and Paul Cathedral og Peter and Paul Fortress.

Day of the Russian Navy (Russian: День Военно-Морского Флота) is national holiday in the Russian Federation and a senior holiday in the Russian Armed
Forces. The day honors the sailors in units of the Russian Navy and its specialized
arms (Naval Aviation and the Coastal Troops consisting of the Naval Infantry
and the Coastal Missile and Artillery Troops). It is celebrated annually, on the
last Sunday of July.
Russia celebrates Navy Day with a 2-hour fleet review in St. Petersburg near the
Neva River and the Port of Kronstadt, commonly known as the Main Naval Parade (Russian: Главный военно-морской парад).
Navy Day (Russia) - Wikipedia     (26. januar 2023)


Rostral Columns

These two columns standing on the Strelka ("spit") of Vasilyevsky Island
are as much a symbol of St. Petersburg as the open arches of Palace
Bridge, the dome of St. Isaac's Cathedral, or the spires of the Admiralty
and the Ss. Peter and Paul Cathedral.
For over two centuries, they have formed an integral part of the city's
central panorama over the River Neva, and are particularly impressive
on major public holidays, when torches are lit on top of them.
Mannen på bildet over vinket til oss fra de fleste av broene vi kjørte under.

Etter båtturen på kanal og elv, kjørte vi til Vinterpalasset.

St-Petersburg The most striking decorations on Anichkov Bridge, however, are
the Horse Tamers by Pyotr Klodt,
who also sculpted the equestrian
statue of Nicholas I on St. Isaac's
Square, and the quadriga above
the portico of the Bolshoi Theatre
in Moscow. These beautiful bronze
cast proved so popular that copies
of the sets at the eastern end of
the bridge, installed in 1841, were
sent as Imperial gifts to Frederick

William IV of Prussia and to the City of Naples within a decade. The sculptures
at the western end were
erected in 1850. During the Siege of Leningrad, the
sculptures were removed and buried in the grounds of the Anichkov Palace
nearby. Thus, unlike the bridge, they survived the war intact. All damage was
repaired, however, and the statues were restored to their rightful place on
1 May 1945, a week before victory was declared.

Her kom vi inn i palasset

The Winter Palace was built between 1754 and 1762 for Empress Elizabeth,
the daughter of Peter the Great.
Unfortunately, Elizabeth died
before the palace's completion
and only Catherine the Great
and her successors were able
to enjoy the sumptuous interiors
of Elizabeth's home.
Many of the palace's impressive
interiors have been remodeled
since then, particularly after
1837, when a huge fire destroyed
most of the building. Today the
Winter Palace, together with
four more buildings arranged
side by side along the river
embankment, houses the
extensive collections of the
The Hermitage Museum is the
largest art gallery in Russia
and is among the largest and
most respected art museums in
the world.


The Armorial Hall, or Guard Room  is decorated with vast stuccopanoplies.

Pavilion Hall

The Small Throne Room of the Winter Palace, St Petersburg, also known
as the Peter the Great Memorial Hall, was created for Tsar Nicholas I in
1833, by the architect Auguste de Montferrand. Following a fire in 1837,
in which most of the palace was destroyed, the room was recreated
exactly as it had been before by the architect Vasily Stasov.
St George's Hall, which served
as the palace's principal
throne room, was the scene of
many of the most formal
ceremonies of the Imperial court.
Most historically, it was the
setting of the opening of the First
State Duma by Nicholas II, in
1906. The Tsar was forced to
agree to the establishment of a
Duma as a concession to his
people in an attempt to avert
However, the Imperial family
saw it as "the end of Russian

St George's Hall (also referred to as the Great Throne Room) is one
of the largest state rooms in the Winter Palace, St Petersburg.
It is located on the eastern side of the palace, and connected to The
Hermitage by the smaller Apollo Room.

St George's Hall
Ikke så lett å se på bildet,
men det er samme
mønster i gulv og tak,


Utsikt fra Vinterpalasset
Hage i 2. etasje




Leonardo da Vinci -
Madonna and Child



Leonardo da Vinci - Madonna and Child
Leonardo da Vinci - Madonna and Child”




the State Hermitage Museum
The museum was founded in 1764 when Catherine the Great purchased
a collection of 255 paintings from the German city of Berlin. Today, the
Hermitage boasts over 2.7 million exhibits and displays a diverse range
of art and artifacts from all over the world and from throughout history
(from Ancient Egypt to the early 20
th century Europe).
The Hermitage's collections include works by Leonardo da Vinci,
Michelangelo, Raphael and Titian, a unique collection of Rembrandts
and Rubens, many French Impressionist works by Renoir, Cezanne, Manet,
Monet and Pissarro, numerous canvasses by Van Gogh, Matisse, Gaugin
and several sculptures by Rodin.




Etter Vinterpalasset
kjørte vi til Church on
the Spilled Blood.

St. Petersburg Church on the Spilled Blood

St_Petersburg: modell av
"Church on the Spilled Blood"

Church of the Resurrection
of Jesus Christ is
known to
Petersburgers as
the Church
of the
Savior on the
Spilled Blood - or
even just
Church on the
- as it marks
the spot where
Alexander II was
fatally wounded in
 an assassination
attempt on March
1, 1881. Designed
by Alfred Parland
in the style of 16th
and 17th-century
Russian churches,
the Church of the Resurrection

provides a stark (some would say jarring) contrast to its
surroundings of Baroque, Classical and Modernist architecture.

Bildet til venstre

Bildet til høyre




Det er tid for lunsj, vodka og russisk mat,
og til det russisk musikk.     Et fint måltid

Rett nr 1 av 5
Rett nr to var potetkake
med kaviar,
nr 3 var rødbetsuppe,
nr 4, kjøttsaus med
nr 5, dessert


The Monument to Nicholas I (Russian: Памятник Николаю I) is a bronze equestrian monument of Nicholas I of Russia on St Isaac's Square
(in front of Saint Isaac's Cathedral) in Saint Petersburg, Russia.
Unveiled on July 7th  [O.S. June 25th] 1859, the six-meter statue was a
technical wonder of its time. It was the first equestrian statue in Europe
with only two support points (the rear hooves of the horse), the only precedent
being the 1852 equestrian statue of U.S. President Andrew Jackson.

Saint Isaac's Square or Isaakiyevskaya Ploshchad (Russian: Исаа́киевская пло́щадь), known as Vorovsky Square (Russian: Площадь Воровского)
between 1923 and 1944, in Saint Petersburg, Russia is a major city square
sprawling between the Mariinsky Palace and Saint Isaac's Cathedral, which
separates it from Senate Square. The square is graced by the equestrian
Monument to Nicholas I.
The Monument:
Designer: Auguste de Montferrand is the project head, the architect.
Sculptors: Peter Klodt, Robert Salemann, Nicholas Ramazanov
Architects: Ludwig Bohnstedt, Roman Weigelt

The Monument
Material: Bronze is a sculpture, high reliefs, letters, a fencing; Pedestal is a red, grey granite, the shohansky porphyry, the Italian marble
Height: 16.3 meters full,  Equestrian statue is 6 meters


Saint Isaac's Cathedral or Isaakievskiy Sobor
(Russian: Исаа́киевский Собо́р) in Saint Petersburg, Russia,
is the largest Russian Orthodox cathedral (sobor) in the city.

It is the largest orthodox basilica and the fourth largest (by the volume
under the cupola) cathedral in the world. It is dedicated to Saint Isaac of
Dalmatia, a patron saint of Peter the Great, who had been born on the
feast day of that saint.

The church on St Isaac's Square was ordered by Tsar Alexander I, to
replace an earlier structure by Vincenzo Brenna, and was the fourth
consecutive church standing at this place.
A specially appointed commission examined several designs, including
that of the French-born architect Auguste de Montferrand (1786–1858),
who had studied in the atelier of Napoleon's designer, Charles Percier.
Montferrand's design was criticised by some members of the commission
for the dry and allegedly boring rhythm of its four identical pedimented
octastyle porticos. It was also suggested that despite gigantic dimensions,
the edifice would look squat and not very impressive. The members of the
commission, which consisted of well-known Russian architects, were also
particularly concerned by necessity to build a new huge building on the
old unsecure foundation. The emperor, who favoured the ponderous

Empire style of architecture, had to step in and solve the dispute in
Montferrand's favour

Dette gudshuset ser ikke ut til å være i bruk

Khram Ikony Bozhyey Materi Miluyushchaya

Храм иконы божьей матери Милующей

(navn funnet på google maps)


Vi kom tilbake til Costa
Magica i passe tid til

Etterpå var vi i Teatro
Urbina, som viste
"Magic moments with
the singers Silvia Santoro
and Simone Pavesio
and the Costa Magica

Onsdag 25. juli 2018
Tidlig opp igjen for å få med
mest mulig av St. Petersburg.
Bussen skulle gå fra
cruiseterminalen klokka 07 00
og ta oss på landtur.
Først skulle vi til Catarina-palasset
i Tsarskoje Sela 25 km sørøst for
Derfra til Peterhof som ligger
25 km vest for St. Petersburg.
Fra Peterhof skulle vi tilbake til
byen og se Peter og

Store blokker mellom
og bysentrum

The Catherine Palace is named after Catherine I, the wife of Peter the
Great, who ruled Russia for two years after her husband's death.
Originally a modest two-storey building commissioned by Peter for
Catherine in 1717, the Catherine Palace owes its awesome grandeur to
their daughter, Empress Elizabeth, who chose Tsarskoe Selo as her chief
summer residence. Starting in 1743, the building was reconstructed by
four different architects, before Bartholomeo Rastrelli, Chief Architect of
the Imperial Court, was instructed to completely redesign the building on
a scale to rival Versailles.


Musikere på veien
opp mot palasset.
Vi fikk et glimt av
palasset også.


The Church of the Resurrection in the Catherine Palace.


Vi var litt tidlig ute.

Da vi kom til Palasset
var det ca 20 minutter
å vente til
portene ble åpnet.

Da var det greit å
tilhøre en gruppe.
Vi kunne gå litt rundt
for å se
oss om, mens andre
passet plassen i køen.

Det var musikk og sang ved porten også, så tiden gikk fort.

Musikere  utenfor Katarina-palasset

Snart åpnes porten.


Vi er innenfor porten til palasset

Her kom vi inn. Mektig inngang.

Keiserinne Elisabeth likte gull, mye gull.
The Great Hall or the Light Gallery
The Great Hall, also known as the Hall of Light, measures nearly 1,000 square meters, and occupies the full width of the palace so that there are superb views on either side. The large arched windows provide enough light to relieve the vast quantity of gilded stucco decorating the walls, and the entire ceiling is covered by a monumental fresco entitled The Triumph of Russia.

Catherine Palace, Tsarskoe Selo, St. Petersburg (
3. mars 2020

The first room beyond the Great Hall is the Chevalier Dining Room.
More than 100 kilograms of gold were used to gild the sophisticated stucco
façade and numerous statues erected on the roof.
In front of the palace a great formal garden was laid out. It centres on the
azure-and-white Hermitage Pavilion near the lake, designed by Mikhail
Zemtsov in 1744, remodelled by Francesco Bartolomeo Rastrelli in 1749
and formerly crowned by a grand-gilded sculpture representing The
Rape of Persephone.

the White State Dining Room by Rastrelli

the White State Dining Room by Rastrelli
The Chinese Drawing Room,

The Green Dining Room
The Amber Room (Russian: Янтарная комната, tr. Yantarnaya Komnata, German: Bernsteinzimmer, Polish: Bursztynowa komnata)
is a reconstructed chamber decorated in amber panels backed with
gold leaf and mirrors, located in the Catherine Palace of Tsarskoye
Selo near Saint Petersburg. Constructed in the 18th century in
Prussia, the original Amber
Room was dismantled and eventually disappeared during World War II.
Before its loss, it was considered an "Eighth Wonder of the World".
 A reconstruction was installed in the Catherine Palace between 1979 and
The Amber Room was intended in 1701 for the Charlottenburg
Palace, in Berlin, Prussia, but was eventually installed at the Berlin City
Palace. It was designed by German baroque sculptor Andreas Schlüter
and Danishamber craftsman Gottfried Wolfram. Schlüter and Wolfram
worked on the room until 1707, when work was continued by amber
masters Gottfried Turau and Ernst Schacht from Danzig (Gdańsk).
Rav-rommet var det
eneste rommet vi ikke
fikk lov til å ta bilder.

Dette er fra:
 It remained in Berlin until 1716, when it was given by the Prussian King
Frederick William I to his then ally, Tsar Peter the Great of the Russian Empire.
In Russia, the room was expanded, and after several renovations, it
covered more than 55 square metres (590 sq ft) and contained over
6 tonnes (13,000 lb) of amber.

The Picture Hall

When the German forces retreated after the siege of Leningrad, they
intentionally destroyed the residence. leaving only the hollow shell of the palace behind. Prior to World War II, Soviet archivists managed to document a fair
amount of the interior, which proved of great importance in reconstructing
the palace.Although the largest part of the reconstruction was completed in
time for the Tercentenary of St. Petersburg in 2003, much work is still
required to restore the palace to its former glory.


Etter å ha vandret gjennom slottet,
gikk vi  gjennom den store parken utenfor.


Kanal i Catherine-parken

St. Catherine's Cathedral
in Tsarskoe
Selo - Sister Church to
Christ the Savior in Moscow

Fra Cathrine-slottet kjørte vi til Peterhof Park

The Egyptian Gate of Tsarskoye Selo was built in 1829 to replace the old
toll-bar, which had been made redundant by the expansion of Tsarskoe Selo.
The gate, which resembles the Egyptian revival style, was designed by Adam Menelaws, who was inspired by the Temple of Khonsu gates. The hieroglyphics
were modeled by the professor Demut-Malinovsky. The iron gate and the cast
iron columns and plates, covered with hieroglyphics, were cast in St. Petersburg
at the Alexander Iron Works. The Alexander Park extended to this gate until
1895, when part of it was used for the building of barracks.
The Peterhof Palace (Russian: Петерго́ф, IPA: [pʲɪtʲɪrˈɡof], German for Peter's
Court) is a series of palaces and gardens located in Petergof, Saint Petersburg,
Russia, laid out on the orders of Peter the Great.
These palacesand gardens are sometimes referred as the "Russian Versailles".
The palace-ensemble along with the city center is recognized as a UNESCO World Heritage Site



The expanse of the Lower Gardens is designed in the formal style of French
formal gardens of the 17th century. Although many trees are overgrown, in the
recent years the formal clipping along the many allees has resumed in order to
restore the original appearance of the garden. The many fountains located here exhibit an unusual degree of creativity. One of the most notable designs is entitled
'The Sun'. A disk radiating water jets from its edge creates an image of the sun's
rays, and the whole structure rotates about a vertical axis so that the direction in which the "sun" faces is constantly changing


The Canal runs from the Palace all the way to the Gulf of Finland

Grand Peterhof Palace and the Grand Cascade.



Adams Fountain

Her kommer det regnskurer hele tiden. Deilig på en varm dag.



Umbrella Fountain








Det er lunsjtid, og vi venter på bussen som skal ta oss til restauranten.
Et slott brukt ved statsbesøk.

Til høyre en del av dagens lunsj


Lek med lys


Motorvei ved St. Petersburg

Fotballstadion bygget til VM 2018
                                                               The Saints Peter and Paul Cathedral


The Boathouse
An attractive pavilion situated to the west of the Ss. Peter and Paul Cathedral,
the Boathouse was built by architect Alexander Vist 1762-1765 in a style that
marked the transition from baroque to neoclassicism.
The pavilion was built to house Peter the Great's Dinghy, a small sailboat that
had been used by the young Tsar to learn naval principles on lakes in the
Moscow area, and thus was hailed as the "Grandfather of the Russian Navy".
Kept in the pavilion from 1767 to 1931, its place has now been taken by a scale
replica. The Boathouse is also used as a ticket office for the exhibitions and
museums in the fortress.


The Peter and Paul Cathedral
(Russian: Петропавловский
собор) is a Russian Orthodox
cathedral located inside the Peter
and Paul Fortress in St. Petersburg,
Russia. It is the first and oldest
landmark in St. Petersburg,
built between 1712
and 1733
 on Hare Island along the Neva River. Both the cathedral and the
fortress were originally built under Peter the Great and designed by
Domenico Trezzini. The cathedral's bell tower is the world's tallest
Orthodox bell tower.
Since the belfry is not standalone, but an integral part of the main building,

the cathedral is sometimes considered the highest Orthodox Church in the
There is another Cathedral of Saints Peter and Paul Church in
St. Petersburg, located in Petergof.,_Saint_Petersburg






The cathedral houses the remains of almost all the Russian emperors and
empresses from Peter the Great to Nicholas II and his family, who were
finally laid to rest in July 1998. Among the emperors and empresses buried
here was Catherine the Great, Empress of Russia for 34 years.
Of the post-Petrine rulers, only Peter II and Ivan VI are not buried here.
Peter II is buried in the Cathedral of Michael the Archangel in the
Moscow Kremlin; Ivan VI was executed and buried in the
fortress of Shlisselburg or Kholmogory (alleged discovery at
Kholmogory in 2010 currently under forensic investigation).
On September 28, 2006, 78 years after her death, Maria Feodorovna,
Empress of Russia, was reinterred in the Cathedral of St Peter and Paul.
Wife of Tsar Alexander III, and mother of Nicholas II (the last Russian tsar),
Maria Feodorovna died on 13 October 1928 in exile in her native Denmark
and was buried in Roskilde Cathedral in Denmark. In 2005, the
governments of Denmark and Russia agreed that the empress's
remains should be returned to Saint Petersburg in accordance with her
wish to be interred next to her husband.,_Saint_Petersburg

Maria Feodorovna
(26 November 1847 – 13 October
1928), known before her
marriage as Princess
Dagmar of Denmark,
was a Danish princess and
Empress of Russia as spouse of
Emperor Alexander III (reigned 1881–1894).
She was the second daughter
of King Christian IX of  Denmark

and Louise of Hesse-Kassel; her siblings included Queen Alexandra of
the United Kingdom,
King Frederick VIII of Denmark and King George I of
Greece. Her eldest son became the last Russian monarch,
Emperor Nicholas II of Russia, whom she outlived by ten years.

Tett med turistbusser
utenfor the Peter and
Paul Fortress.

The Peter and Paul Fortress is
the original citadel of
St. Petersburg, Russia, founded
by Peter the Great in 1703 and
built to Domenico Trezzini's
designs from 1706 to 1740 as a
star fortress. In the early 1920s,
it was still used as a prison and
execution ground by the
Bolshevik government.

Today it has been adapted as the central and most important part of the
State Museum of Saint Petersburg History. The museum has gradually
become virtually the sole owner of the fortress building, except the
structure occupied by the Saint Petersburg Mint (Monetniy Dvor).

Noen slapper av i gresset utenfor festningen.

Inngangen til The Peter and Paul Fortress.
Tårnet til Peter and Paul Cathedral er godt synlig.

På tur langs Nevas bredder.

Så nærmer det seg slutten på besøket vårt i St Petersburg.
Vi er på vei tilbake til cruiseterminalen.

Vi forlot St. Petersburg kl 1800. Ved 20-tida passerte vi Kotlin.

Kotlin (or Kettle, Finnish: Retusaari, Swedish: Reitskär) is a Russian
island, located near the head of the Gulf of Finland, 32 kilometres
(20 mi) west of Saint Petersburg in the Baltic Sea. Kotlin separates
the Neva Bay from the rest of the gulf. The fortified town of Kronstadt
is located on the island. The island serves as a gateway to
Saint Petersburg and as such has been the site of several military


Kronstadt was founded by Emperor Peter the Great in 1704 as a maritime
fortress and naval base on Kotlin Island. The name "Kronstadt" was
invented by Peter the Great, and in German means "Crown City".

The port is ice-bound for 140–160 days in the year, from the beginning of
December to April. A very large proportion of the inhabitants are sailors.

The Kronstadt Sea Fortress used to be considered the most fortified port
 in the world. Kronstadt still retains some of the "forts", small fortified
artificial islands. Others were destroyed or recycled during the
construction of the Saint Petersburg Flood Prevention Facility Complex,
a brand new dam of protective structures, which connects the island to
the shore and is part of the federal city's Ring Ro

Formerly, there were 42 such forts, situated in line between the southern
and northern shores of the Gulf of Finland. Some fortifications were
located inside the city itself, and one was on the western shore of the K
ronslot Island (on the other side of the main navigational channel).

Until 1998, Kronstadt was a closed city, from then on it became a touristic
attraction with free access to its territory. The exception is Kronstadt
military harbor, and the territories of various military units stationed in
the city and surrounding area. The architecture of the city center and city
walls mostly dates from the first half of the 19th century.

In the 1970s and 80s, modern neighborhoods were built on the outskirts
of the city.



Kveld ombord, med solnedgang og fruktfigurer

Underholdning på
Atria Italia Magica

Torsdag 26. juli 2018

Vi ankom Tallinn kl 09 00.
Etter frokost tok vi shuttlebuss inn til gamlebyen.
Det var ikke mer enn et par km å gå inn til byen, men det er lett å gå litt
feil når man ikke er kjent.

Tallinn (tidligere også Reval, gammelsvensk: Lindanäs, gammeldansk:
Lyndanisse) er hovedstaden og den største havnebyen i Estland.Byen har 441 357 innbyggere  (1. august 2016) og ligger helt nord på den baltiske halvøy, 80 km sør for Helsingfors.
Den ble erobret av danskene i 1219 og solgt til Den tyske orden i 1346. Byen ble erobret av svenskene under Livlandskrigen i 1561 og var under svensk kontroll til svenskene tapte sine besittelser i Baltikum til Russland i 1710 under den store nordiske krig. Den var hovedstad i det selvstendige Estland fra 1918 frem til den sovjetiske okkupasjonen under og etter andre verdenskrig og ble hovedstad på ny
etter Estlands selvstendighet i 1991. Byen har norsk ambassade.Tallinn er en av
Nord-Europas best bevarte middelalderbyer. Byens gamleby, Vanalinn, ble oppført på UNESCOs verdensarvliste i 1997. I 2011 var Tallinn europeisk kulturhovedstad.


The fountain
stood at a private
In 1996 the fountain
was placed in
storage, and
later the statue
was stolen. A new
cast of the sculpture
 was unveiled at the present location
15 May 2008.
Skulpturen er laget av Mare Mikoff (Tallinn 1941), Estonian sculptor




Man finner mange forskjellige stilarter i Tallinn.




The Tallinn Town Hall (Estonian: Tallinna raekoda) is a building in the Old Town (Vanalinn) of Tallinn (Reval), Estonia, next to the Town Hall Square. The building is located in the south side of the medieval market square and is 36.8
metres (121 ft) long. The west wall is 14.5 metres (48 ft) in length, and the east
is 15.2 metres (50 ft).[1] It is a two-storey building with a spacious basement.
It is the oldest town hall in the whole Baltic Sea region and Scandinavia.
The weather vane "Old Thomas" (Estonian: Vana Toomas) on the top of the town
hall's spire, that has been there since 1530, is one of the symbols of Tallinn. The
height of the tower is 64 metres.

Tallinn Town Hall - Wikipedia     (29. oktober 2023)


Ved enden av gata ser vi Rådhuset i Tallinn

Püha Vaimu Kirik

Püha Vaimu Kirik
Building of the church probably started sometime during the first half of
the 13th century, and the church is mentioned in written sources for the
first time in 1319.
The fact that the church does not face due east may
suggest that it was erected in an already built-up area and had to adapt
to the street layout.

Originally the church was part of a greater almshouse complex, and
dedicated to the
Holy Ghost, and apart from the main entrance on the
north side of the church, there was also an entrance from the almshouse
yard, on the south side of the church.

The oldest part of the church is the choir, to which the aisle was added
sometime in the late 13th century or early 14th century. The original
wooden ceiling was replaced in 1360, when the present vaulting, tower
and large
 gothicwindows were added. In 1630, the tower received its
current appearance, which however is a reconstruction as the tower was
ravaged by fire in both 1684 and 2002.
The church was the first church in
Estonia to hold services in Estonian, and the first extracts of the

to be published in Estonian were printed here in 1535.,_Tallinn

Bilder fra Ajaloo Muuseum,
Grest Guild Hall

Town Hall Square has been a market place and the centre of this old Hanseatic
town since the Middle Ages. It became the centre of the Lower Town at the turn
of the 13th and 14th centuries.

Olde Hansa


This unforgettable, Medieval-style
is set up like the welcoming home of a 15th-century
Hanseatic merchant.
Here you can soothe
your hunger with
roasted game meat,
raise your spirit with flavoured wines and
enjoy the genuine Medieval atmosphere
complete with
colourful murals,
period music,
candlelight and
caring service.

Restauranten: se bildet på


The medieval shop based in Olde Hansa, sells souvenirs from local and
international producers including glassware, pottery, silver jewellery
and authentic replicas of items used by medieval townsfolk.
Olde Hansa Shoppe
Town Hall





Toompea Castle (Estonian: Toompea
loss) (Latin: Castrum Danorum) is a castle on Toompea hill in the central
part of Tallinn, the capital of Estonia.
The castle, an ancient stronghold site
in use since at least the 9th century,
today houses the Parliament of Estonia.

St. Alexander Nevsky Cathedral

This spectacular, onion-domed structure perched atop Toompea Hill is Estonia's
main Russian Orthodox cathedral.
It's also by far the grandest, most opulent Orthodox church in Tallinn.
Built in 1900, when Estonia was part of the tsarist Russian empire, the
cathedral was originally intended as a symbol of the empire's dominance –
both religious and political – over this increasingly unruly Baltic territory.
The cathedral was dedicated to the Prince of Novgorod, Alexander
Yaroslavich Nevsky, who led the famous Battle of the Ice at Lake Peipsi in 1242,
which halted the German crusaders' eastward advance.
It was deliberately
placed in this prominent location


right in front of Toompea Castle, on the same spot where a statue of Martin
Luther had previously stood, to show the mainly Lutheran locals who was
in charge.
Now with the controversy long since faded, what's left is simply
an architectural masterpiece. Designed by respected St. Petersburg architect
Mikhail Preobrazhenski, the church is richly decorated in a mixed historicist
style. The interior, filled with mosaics and icons, is well worth a visit.

The church's towers' hold Tallinn's most powerful church bell ensemble,
consisting of 11 bells, including the largest in Tallinn, weighing 15 tonnes.
You can hear the entire ensemble playing before each service.
Lunsj i Tallinn.

St. Alexander Nevsky Cathedral

The Maiden Tower is another of the old towers that were located along the
old fortified walls of the city of Tallinn, Estonia. It can be found in the Old
Town Sector, not very far from Town Hall or its sister structure, the Kiek in
de Kok. Both of these towers date back to the 14th Century, and have been
part of the landscape of the town for many years.

The Maiden Tower has suffered from the damage of war at many different
points in its history, and you can see some of the canon damage upon
close inspection. It has undergone repair in almost every century since.

One of the most interesting things about the tower is that is used to
be used as a prison for prostitutes, which is why it is called the
Maiden Tower.
In fact, local legend states that some of the old prisoners still haunt
the structure. On a clear dark night, you might be able to see the
lights of some old ghost roaming the stairs.


Explore this sturdy, 14th-century tower, sip coffee in its swank café or
walk along the Town Wall for some amazing views.


Maiden's Tower,
Since 2012 it has been working as a subdivision of the Tallinn City Museum.
The tower is connected by passageways to its neighbors Talli and Kiek-in-de-Köök.
On the first floor of the Maiden’s Tower you can watch an animated history of the building and the surrounding area. In the basement of the tower there is an
exhibition called “Look in the Bottle,” where objects from the glass collection of
the Tallinn City Museum are on display. There is also a cafe open in the tower.
Maiden's Tower in Tallinn, Old City, cafe and museum, location and photo (    (26. januar 2023)


This open, garden-like area on the slopes of Toompea Hill happens to be the
legendary birthplace of the Danish flag.

Nestled between the city wall and Lower Town, this relaxing spot is called the
Danish King's Garden because it was supposedly here that King Valdemar II
of Denmark and his troops camped before conquering Toompea in 1219.  
More importantly, a well-known legend both in Estonia and Denmark holds
that the Danish flag, the Dannebrog, originated right here.


According to the story, Valdemar's forces were losing their battle with the
Estonians when suddenly the skies opened and a red flag with a white
cross floated down from the heavens. Taking this as a holy sign, the Danes
were spurred on to victory.
Today the garden remains a place where locals honour the role Denmark
played in Estonia's history. Halfway down the steps towards Rüütli street
you can see an iron sword and shield
with a Danish cross, and each summer, Danneborg Day is celebrated here.

Trapp ned fra tårnet

Taket på et av tårna.

Utstilling i tårnet


Katariina käik (St. Catherine's Passage)
Easily the most picturesque of Old Town's lanes, this half-hidden walkway runs
behind what used to be St. Catherine's Church. It connects Vene street with the Müürivahe street where the town's famous knit market operates. 
What makes the passage particularly interesting is that it's home to the
St. Catherine's Guild, a collection of craft workshops where artists use traditional methods to create and sell glassware, hats, quilts, ceramics, jewellery,
hand-painted silk and other wares. The workshops are housed in the small,
15th- to 17th-century rooms on the south side of the lane, and are set up in an
open-studio fashion so visitors can watch the artists at work, be it glass-blowing, weaving or pottery making.

The remains of the Dominican Monastery are very tucked away and as a result
see few tourists. The entrance is off St Catherine's Passage, between
Muurivahe & Vene St. Look out for signs with a spotted dog on, this is the
symbol of Dominicans. In medieval times the monks where called Domini
Canes (Dogs of God) and wore white robes with black capes.
This monastery was founded in 1246 and is one of the oldest buildings in town.

Litt av det moderne Tallinn

Vi var tilbake i båten i god tid før middag, så vi rakk en tur på soldekk.

The tenor Spero Bongiolatti
"in Consert" Emotion and passion.
Urbino teater.


La Notte in Maschera i Capri Lounge

Fredag 27. juli 2018

Vi skulle ha vært i Stockholm klokka 0900, men tåka lå tett over
innseilinga, så vi ble nesten 3 timer forsinka.
Ved 12-tida gikk vi i land og tok shuttlebuss inn til byen.

Festning ved Oxdjupet


Tåka har letta og vi kan fortsette mot Stockholm


Så er vi i Stockholm. I bakgrunnen Stockholms opera.

Stockholms slott,
norra längan, renomégruppen

De første bygningen vi kom til var Riksdagshuset og det Kungliga Slottet.

Stockholm Palace or the Royal Palace (Swedish: Stockholms slott or Kungliga
slottet) is the official residence and major royal palace of the Swedish monarch
(the actual residence of King Carl XVI Gustaf and Queen Silvia is at
Drottningholm Palace). Stockholm Palace is located on Stadsholmen, in Gamla
stan in the capital, Stockholm. It neighbours the Riksdag building.
The offices of the King, the other members of the Swedish Royal Family, and
the offices of the Royal Court of Sweden are located here.
The palace is used for representative purposes by the King whilst
performing his duties as the head of state.
This royal residence has been in the same location by Norrström in the
northern part of Gamla stan in Stockholm since the middle of the 13th
century when the Tre Kronor Castle was built. In modern times the name
relates to the building called Kungliga Slottet.


The palace was designed by Nicodemus Tessin the Younger and erected on the
same place as the medieval Tre Kronor Castle which was destroyed in a fire on
7 May 1697.

Due to the costly Great Northern War which started in 1700, construction of
the palace was halted in 1709, and not recommenced until 1727—six years
after the end of the war.

When Tessin the Younger died in 1728, the palace was completed by Carl
Hårleman who also designed a large part of its Rococo interior.
The palace was not ready to use until 1754, when King Adolf Frederick and Queen Louisa Ulrika moved in, but some interior work proceeded until the 1770s.





Gamla Stan, the Old Town, is one of the largest and best preserved medieval
city centers in Europe, and one of the foremost attractions in Stockholm.
This is where Stockholm was founded in 1252.
   All of Gamla Stan and the
adjacent island of Riddarholmen are like a living pedestrian-friendly
museum full of sights, attractions, restaurants, cafés, bars, and places to shop.


Gamla Stan is also popular with aficionados
of handicrafts, curious, and souvenirs. The narrow winding cobblestone streets,
with their buildings in so many different shades of gold, give Gamla Stan its
unique character. Even now cellar vaults and frescoes from the Middle Ages can
be found behind the visible facades, and on snowy winter days, the district feels
like something from a storybook


Sankt Göran och Draken
Gamla Stan



Havn i Stockholm
Thor Heyerdahl
av Kiel



Etter Gamla Stan dro vi på båttur igjen.

Lav bro

Små og litt større båter


The Lightship Finngrundet is a lightvessel built in 1903 and now a museum ship moored in Stockholm, Sweden.
She was the second Finngrundet lightvessel, built in Gävle, Sweden in
1903 and replacing one dating from 1859. She was stationed on the Finngrund banks in the Baltic Sea 40 nautical miles (74 km) northeast of
Gävle during the ice-free part of the

Lightship Finngrundet (1903) - Wikipedia   
(29. oktober 2023)

Til høyre:
Gröna Lund (IPA: [ˈɡrøːna ˈlɵnːd]) is an amusement park in Stockholm, Sweden.
It is on the seaward side of Djurgården Island. It is relatively small compared to
other amusement parks, mainly because of its central location, which limits

The 15 ac (6 ha) amusement park has over 30 attractions and is a popular
venue for concerts in the summer. It was founded in 1883 by James Schultheiss.

Gröna Lund's
roots are in the
1880s, making it
Sweden's oldest amusement park. However the area has been used for similar purposes since the early
18th century.
In 1883, a German
by the name of
Jacob Schultheiss
rented the area to
erect "carousels
and other

Until 2001, descendants of Schultheiss ran Gröna Lund.
Before the amusement park came into being, Gröna Lund was the name of a
small park.



Hop on - hop off



Vi gikk tilbake til Costa Magica, og fikk se denne minnesteinen.
Norge takker for utdannelsen av 14 700 politisoldater i Sverige
under den annen verdenskrig


Siste middag i Ristorante
Costa Smeralda.

Det var underholdning og dans.
Kelnerne dansen med gjestene,
og tilslutt dannet alle lenke
og gikk rundt i restauranten.


Siste kveld på dekk.

En fin kveld, som alle de andre kveldene ombord.

Lørdag 28. juli 2018

Vi går i land.
En buss henter oss og kjører oss til Arlanda.
Fra Gardermoen tog til Oslo S, derfra T-bane til
Nasjonalteatret og båt fra Aker brygge.

En øl på Arlanda

Nesten hjemme. Vi er ombord på hurtigbåten Baronessen.

Oslo, Akershus festning
tilbake til 1. side

Karl Martin Emblemsvåg og
Grete Emblemsvåg