10. juli 2022 Vi startet turen fra Slemmestad med hurtigbåten Tidevind. Så sykla vi til DFDS-terminalen. Det ble lenge å vente på brygga før vi fikk komme ombord. Syklister er ofte lavt prioritert på båter. Sykling 3 km |
![]() En fin kveld |
Mandag 11. juli 2022 I Danmark fikk syklistene kjøre i land først. Vi begynte turen mot Helsingør, der vi skulle bo de første dagene. En etappe på ca 45 km. Første stopp på turen ble ved Charlottenlund fort og strandpark. The Charlottenlund Battery, later referred to as the Charlottenlund Fort, was built during the years 1886 to 1888. It was a coastal battery and was part of the series of coastal batteries intended to protect Copenhagen from the sea side. It was part of the middle defence line together with the Middelgrund Fort and the Kastrup Battery. The Charlottenlund Fort > Vestvolden.info (31. juli 2022) |
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![]() Charlottenlund Beach Park (Danish: Charlottenlund Strand Strandpark) is a seaside public park in Charlottenlund, Gentofte Municipality, in the northern suburbs of Copenhagen, Denmark. The park's history as a green space dates back to 1622 when King Christian IV established "Gentofte Deer Park by the Beach" (Gentofte Dyrehave ved Stranden). The area later came under ”Gyldenlund”, what is now called Charlottenlund Slot. |
![]() In 1886 the southern part of the area was ceded to the Ministry of Defence when Charlottenlund Fort as part of Copenhagen's new defense towards the sea. The area to the north was leased to Frederick VIII who leveled it and used it as a vegetable garden. The area came into use as a public beach park in 1932. In 1950 the park was refurbished to designs by Aksel Andersen, who served as head of the municipal park department from 1946 until his death in 1953. Charlottenlund Beach Park - Wikipedia (31. juli 2022) |
![]() Vi tok en avstikker innom Dyrehavsbakken, Klampenborg |
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10 minutes drive north of Copenhagen you find the
oldest amusement park in the world. Located in the woods of Dyrehaven, Bakken is a unique amusement park, which offers a historic and nostalgic venue combined with modern and fun amusements and thrill rides. |
in 1583, Bakken, or Dyrehavsbakken as it is
officially named, has been a firm favorite with the people of Copenhagen for centuries. During summertime families, young couples and seniors alike flock to the amusement park and the surrounding woodland to indulge in a day of fun. English | Find information about Bakken in English (31. juli 2022) |
Siste stopp før vi kom til Helsingør ble på en strand i nærheten av Humlebæk. Så fortsatte vi inn til Helsingør og sjekket inn på Hotel Hamlet. |
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Tirsdag 12. juli 2022
Helsingør (/ˌhɛlsɪŋˈɜːr/ HEL-sing-UR, Danish: [helse̝ŋˈøɐ̯ˀ]; Swedish: Helsingör), classically known in English as Elsinore (/ˈɛlsɪnɔːr, ˌɛlsɪˈnɔːr/ EL-sin-or, -OR), is a city in eastern Denmark. Helsingør Municipality had a population of 62,686 on 1 January 2018. The name Helsingør has been believed to be derived from the word hals meaning "neck" or "narrow strait," referring to the narrowest point of the Øresund (Øre Sound) between what is now Helsingør and Helsingborg, Sweden. |
![]() The people were mentioned as Helsinger (which may mean "the people of the strait") for the first time in King Valdemar the Victorious's Liber Census Daniæ from 1231 (not to be confused with the Helsings of Hälsingland in Sweden). Place names show that the Helsinger may have had their main fort at Helsingborg and a fortified landing place at Helsingør, to control the ferry route across the strait. Helsingør - Wikipedia (31. juli 2022) |
![]() På vei inn til Kronborg Slott. |
when it was completed in 1582. Kronborg - Wikipedia (31. juli 2022) |
Kronborg is
a castle and stronghold in
the town of Helsingør, Denmark.
Immortalized as Elsinore in William Shakespeare's play Hamlet, Kronborg is one of the most important Renaissance castles in Northern Europe and was inscribed on the UNESCO's World Heritage List in 2000. The castle is situated on the extreme northeastern tip of the island of Zealand at the narrowest point of the Øresund, the sound between present Denmark and the provinces of present Sweden that were also Danish at the time the castle was built. In this part, the sound is only 4 kilometres (2.5 mi) wide, hence the strategic importance of maintaining a coastal fortification at this location commanding one of the few outlets of the Baltic Sea. The castle's story dates back to a stronghold, Krogen, built by King Eric VII in the 1420s. Along with the fortress Kärnan in Helsingborg on the opposite coast of Øresund, it controlled the entranceway to the Baltic Sea. |
From 1574 to 1585, King Frederick II had the medieval fortress radically transformed into a magnificent Renaissance castle. The main architects were the Flemings Hans Hendrik van Paesschen and Anthonis van Obbergen, whereas the sculptural work was coordinated by Gert van Groningen. In 1629, a fire destroyed much of the castle, but King Christian IV subsequently had it rebuilt. The castle also has a church within its walls. In 1658, Kronborg was besieged and captured by the Swedes who took many of its valuable art treasures as war booty. In 1785 the castle ceased to be a royal residence and was converted into barracks for the Army. The Army left the castle in 1923, and after a thorough renovation it was opened to the public. Kronborg - Wikipedia (31. juli 2022) |
![]() Utenfor Kronborg slott |
Shakespeare wrote the Ur-Hamlet, later revising it to create the version of Hamlet that exists today. He almost certainly wrote his version of the title role for his fellow actor, Richard Burbage, the leading tragedian of Shakespeare's time. In the 400 years since its inception, the role has been performed by numerous highly acclaimed actors in each successive century. Hamlet - Wikipedia (31. juli 2022) |
![]() Her undervises det i bruk av sverd. Fencing, organized sport involving the use of a sword—épée, foil, or sabre—for attack and defense according to set movements and rules. Although the use of swords dates to prehistoric times and swordplay to ancient civilizations, the organized sport of fencing began only at the end of the 19th century. The earliest depiction of swordplay is a relief in the temple of Medīnat Habu, near Luxor in Egypt, built by Ramses III about 1190 BCE. The Romans brought sword combat to a highly systematic art that was taught to both their legions and their gladiators. Gladiators were trained in schools (ludi) by professional instructors (doctores). Beginners practiced with a wooden sword called a rudis. fencing | History, Organizations, & Equipment | Britannica (31. juli 2022) |
![]() The chapel is located in the ground floor of the south wing and was inaugurated in 1582. In 1785, as the castle was being fitted for use as army barracks, the chapel was fitted out as a gymnasium and fencing hall and the furniture stored away. The chapel was refurnished with the original furniture in 1838 and reinaugurated in 1843. Kronborg - Wikipedia (31. juli 2022) |
flocks while standing on stilts to extend their field of vision, while townspeople often used them to traverse the soggy ground in their everyday activities. Stilts were used by workers to attach hop grass to wires at 12 feet above the ground. This technique was documented up to the mid 20th century before being superseded. Stilts - Wikipedia (31. juli 2022) |
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![]() Denne dagen tok vi ferga over til Helsingborg. På bildet ser vi Helsingør havn. |
![]() Kronborg slott sett fra ferga. |
Helsingborg is a city and the seat of Helsingborg Municipality, Scania (Skåne), Sweden. It is the second-largest city in Scania (after Malmö) and ninth-largest in Sweden, with a population of 113,816 (2020). Helsingborg is the central urban area of northwestern Scania and Sweden's closest point to Denmark: the Danish city Helsingør is clearly visible about 4 km (2.5 mi) to the west on the other side of the Øresund. Historic Helsingborg, with its many old buildings, is a scenic coastal city. The buildings are a blend of old-style stone-built churches and a 600-year-old medieval fortress (Kärnan) in the city centre, and more modern commercial buildings. The streets vary from wide avenues to small alley-ways. Kullagatan, the main pedestrian shopping street in the city, was the first pedestrian shopping street in Sweden. |
![]() Helsingborg is one of the oldest cities of what is now Sweden. It has been the site of permanent settlement officially since 21 May 1085. Helsingborg's geographical position at the narrowest part of Øresund made it very important for Denmark, at that time controlling both sides of that strait. From 1429 Eric of Pomerania introduced the Sound Dues, a levy on all trading vessels passing through the sound between Helsingør and Helsingborg. This was one of the main sources of income for the Danish Crown. Crossing traffic, like fishermen, were not subject to the tax, which was initially directed against the Hanseatic League. Helsingborg - Wikipedia (31. juli 2022) |
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![]() The entire roof terrace was added in the years 1893-1894 in connection with Kärnan undergoing a major renovation. Before that, the tower was a few meters lower and ended already after the fourth floor. The top part of the high, narrow stair tower is also from the 1890s. Regardless of how many meters up you have been over the centuries, the view has always been fantastic. On really clear days you can even see all the way to the Öresund Bridge today. At the top of Kärnan you have a view of central Helsingborg and you understand why this is one of Helsingborg's most popular destinations. The core of Helsingborg (karnan.se) (31. juli 2021) |
![]() Kärnan, (Danish: Kernen, both literally The Core) is a medieval tower in Helsingborg, Scania, in southern Sweden. It is the only part remaining of a larger Danish fortress which, along with the fortress Kronborg on the opposite bank of the Øresund, controlled the entranceway between the Kattegat and the Øresund and further south the Baltic Sea. Kärnan - Wikipedia (31. juli 2022) |
integral in securing control over the strait between Scania and Zealand. Kärnan - Wikipedia (31 juli 2022) |
![]() Axel Wallenberg, Sculpture, bronze, signed and dated 1938 |
![]() Mariakyrkan If you visit the church, don't miss the triptych from the 15th century, the hoard of silver in the basement of the vestry and a plague for the famous composer Dietrich Buxtehude - an organist at the Maria Church in the 17th century. St. Mary's Church, Helsingborg, Sweden - SpottingHistory (24. august 2023) |
![]() Stadsparken, Helsingborg |
Torsdag 14. juli 2022 Denne dagen sykla vi en tur i Helsingørs omegn. (ca 41 km) Først langs kysten til Ålsgårde. Deretter fulgte vi sykkelrute 107 til Espergærde. ![]() Strand rett utenfor Helsingør sentrum. Vi kan se Kronborg slott. |
![]() Strand mellom Helsingør og Ålsgårde. |
Fredag 15. juli 2022 Nå begynte sykkelturen på ordentlig. Vi hadde noe vi måtte ordne i Helsingør før vi kom av gårde. Derfor ble ikke første etappe så lang. Vi sykla til Gilleleje. En strekning på ca 25 km. Dessuten 7 km i Helsingør før start. ![]() Karl Martin kjenner på vanntemperaturen. |
![]() Disse tre bildene er tatt like etter Hornbæk. |
![]() Fra Hornbæk var det fin sykkelvei langs sjøen. |
Lørdag 16. juli 2022
![]() Veien gjennom skogen. |
![]() Hundested havn. Her tok vi litt godt drikke på en av de mange cafeene. |
Søndag 17. juli 2022![]() |
Fra Lynæs sykla vi til Sølager hvor vi tok ferga Columbus over til Kulhuse. Derfra skulle vi følge sykkelrute nr 40, men her også var det dårlig merking. Vi har tydeligvis tatt feil av veien et sted, for vi kom ut på bilveien ved Skoven kirke. Vi valgte å følge bilveien derfra. Vi kom forbi Julianehøj, og tok en pause der. |
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![]() Julianehøj er en ombygget ganggrav (dansk: jættestue) utenfor Slotshegnet ved Jægerspris slott på Sjælland, som inngår i monumentparken Mindelunden. Jettestuen, som opprinnelig stammer fra ca. 3000 f.Kr., ble opprinnelig kalt Monses høj og Væverhøj og ble utgravet og sterkt ombygget på slutten av 1700-tallet i regi av Arveprins Frederik og Ove Høegh-Guldberg. Det ble funnet menneskeknokler, en kobber- eller bronsedolk, samt flintredskaper. Frederik navnga det nye monument etter sin mor enkedronning Juliane Marie. |
Den opprinnelige, østvendte, inngangen ble lukket og det ble satt opp en tavle i norsk marmor over den nye portalen med innskriften: JULIANE-HØJ – TIL DEN BEDSTE MODERS MINDE HELLIGES DETTE ÆLDGAMLE MINDESMÆRKE FUNDET I AARET MDCCLXXVI AF ARVE-PRINDS FRIDERICH. Oppe på selve jettestuen ble det satt opp syv minnestøtter i gjellebækmarmor med navn på de tidlige sagnkongene Skjold, Frode den Fredegode, Dan Mykillati, Harald Hårfagre, Gorm den Gamle, Harald Blåtann og Wittekind. I 1782 ble en norsk runesten – den såkalte Igijos sten, funnet i 1781 i en grav ved gården Stenstad i Telemark – montert på toppen av anlegget. Den arkeologiinteresserte kronprins Frederik undersøkte også gravhaugen i april 1834. Hele monumentet ble restaurert i 1984. Osten Julanehøj er oppkalt etter monumentet. Julianehøj – Wikipedia (1. august 2022) |
![]() Jægerspris Castle Jægerspris Castle (Danish: Jægerspris Slot), in Jægerspris on the Hornsherred peninsula west of Copenhagen, is a Danish manor house. It has belonged to the Danish monarchs for most of its history which dates back to the 13th century. In the 1850s it became a retreat for King Frederik VII and his morganatic wife Countess Danner, who sought refuge there to escape the controversy their marriage had caused among the establishment in Copenhagen. After the king's death, Countess Danner turned it into an asylum for women. Today the castle serves as a historic house museum and is also noted for its park. Jægerspris Castle - Wikipedia (13. januar 2023) |
Vi var inne på
slottet, og etterpå tok vi en kaffe på Cafe Danner på plassen utenfor slottet. Så fortsatte vi mot Fredrikssund hvor vi skulle overnatte på Rådhuskroa. Etter innsjekking tok vi en øl på Kroa. Korteste vei å sykle er på 22 km.Vi sykla feil to ganger, så jeg antar vi sykla ca 30 km.
Mandag 18. juli 2022![]() The Viking settlement was created because the participants in Frederikssund Vikingespil wanted to expand the Viking activities with a historically correctly reconstructed village. Here you can experience five pit houses and a longhouse as well as a plank road and a jetty. The pit houses are small, half-buried houses with recessed floor level (the pit). During the Viking Age, they have been used as workshops and in some cases also as temporary housing. You can go into the pit houses, see where the fireplace has been or shudder a little at how little space you had at the time. Frederikssund Viking settlement - Visit Fjordlandet (1. august 2022) |
Buresø is a lake located in a tunnel valley, immediately southeast of Slangerup, where Allerød, Frederikssund and Egedal municipalities meet. The tunnel valley, which was formed during the last ice age, runs in an east-west direction and can be followed along Mølleåen all the way to the Øresund coast. Between Buresø and the nearby Bastrup Sø there is a watershed. Buresø drains via Græse Å to the west to Roskilde Fjord, Bastrup Sø drains to the east to Mølleåen. Buresø and surroundings is part of Naturpark Mølleåen. Buresø - Wikipedia (1. august 2022) |
![]() Baronen |
![]() Fisken vil tilbake til Buresø. |
skal ligge med det kæmpe gab vidt åbent med gigantiske
tænder som inviterer beskueren til at fodre den. Kroppen udformes af træstubbe der former den slyngende krop. Dragen bliver ca 5 meter lang og den skal stå på bakken ved Buresø og skue ud over søen. Dragen og Baronen udformes af træ udelukkende med motorsav. Frank Jæger Land | Egedal Kommune (24. august 2023) |
Fra Buresø fulgte vi sykkelrute nr 2 til Bastrup. Derfra valgte vi å følge bilveien gjennom Narum og videre til Herlev hvor vi skulle overnatte. Fra Herlev hadde vi tenkt å sykle til DFD-termingalen for å ta båten hjem. Men det var fullt på båten, så vi måtte ta en natt til i Danmark. Dagens sykkeletappe var på ca 45 km |
Tirsdag 19. juli 2022![]() Vi hadde en kort sykkeltur foran oss denne dagen. Derfor tok tok vi et lengre opphold på Charlottenlund strandpark før vi sykla inn til København Dagens etappe ca 23 km |
20. juli 2022 Bare 5 km å sykle ut til DFDS-terminalen. Før det fikk vi et hyggelig møte med Geir og Annette som også var i København. I København fikk syklistene kjøre nesten først ombord. Godt å slippe den lange ventetiden i ombordkjøringskø. Til høyre er et omtrentlig bilde av kjøreruta vår. Ca 30 mil sykla vi totalt |
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21. juli 2022 Fra DFDS-termingalen sykla vi korteste vei hjem til Slemmestad, 33 km. Totalt sykla vi ca 32 mil |
![]() Vi var ikke de eneste syklistene ombord |
tilbake til
1. side |