2.desember til 6. desember 2024
Siden laget 16. desember 2024
Tilbake til 1.
1. desember 2024 Vi reiste til Gardermoen søndag 1. desember, side vi skulle tidligavgårde fra Gardermoen. På hotellet ble det en god middag med øl og rødvin. |
2. desember Program for dagen 1. dag Vi flyr fra Oslo til Riga. Etter ankomst tar vi en liten byrundtur i buss på veien til hotellet. Vi passerer bl.a. noen av de gamle tradisjonelle trehusene langs Daugavaelva, som gjennomskjærer byen. Trehusene har mange flotte farger. Noen er nylig istandsatt og mange har vakre utskjæringer, skodder og fine dører. Her bor en del av byens mest kjente borgere. Vi fortsetter forbi det store nasjonale biblioteket – en meget moderne bygning, som har stor betydning for byens innbyggere. Ved ankomst hotellet sjekker vi inn eller plasserer bagasjen på bagasjerommet, om det er litt for tidlig for innsjekking, før vi går ca.350m til en lokal restaurant og setter oss ned for en hyggelig tre-retters velkomstlunsj /-middag, hvor vi har muligheten for å bli bedre kjent. Ja, i Latvia kan de spise godt og de liker det også. Det er innsjekking etter lunsjen eventuelt. Resten av ettermiddagen kan man ta det med ro eller utforske litt mer. På de mange koselige kafeene, barene og restaurantene 5-10 minutters gange fra hotellet ønskes man alltid hjertelig velkommen, om man trenger en matbit og noe godt å drikke. Hotellet har også en hyggelig bar-restaurant – just in case. |
Soloppgang over Østlandet. |
Riga is the capital, the primate, and the largest city of Latvia. Home to 605,273 inhabitants, the city accounts for a third of Latvia's total population. The population of Riga metropolitan area, which stretches beyond the city limits, is estimated at 860,142 (as of 2023). The city lies on the Gulf of Riga at the mouth of the Daugava river where it meets the Baltic Sea. Riga's territory covers 307.17 km2 (118.60 sq mi) and lies 1–10 m (3–33 ft) above sea level[12] on a flat and sandy plain. Riga was founded in 1201, and is a former Hanseatic League member. Riga's historical centre is a UNESCO World Heritage Site, noted for its Art Nouveau/Jugendstil architecture and 19th century wooden architecture. Riga was the European Capital of Culture in 2014, along with Umeå in Sweden. Riga - Wikipedia (13. desember 2024) |
Her bodde vi. Wellton Centrum Hotel & SPA – Hotels – Wellton Hotels, Riga |
Fra byvandringen |
Here’s the interpretation that I liked best: The animals are looking at a world that is new to them, that they hadn’t been allowed to discover before. Almost as if they were checking if everything is alright behind the curtain and if it is safe to make first contact. There is a ritual that people like to follow when visiting the Town Musicians. Rubbing the noses of the animals is supposed to bring good luck. The respective parts of the statue are already quite shiny from all the rubbing. The most athletic visitors can even reach the rooster’s beak all the way on top and will, therefore, have an extra amount of good fortune coming their way! Town Musicians of Bremen in Riga - But what are they doing in Riga? (13. desember 2024) |
Noen bilder fra julemarkedet i Riga |
Honey - whether added to your herbal tea or enjoyed straight from the spoon, honey is a delicious way to strengthen your body. Packed with antioxidants ant antimicrobial prperties, LAtvian hovey acts as a powerful ally in the fight against winter ailments. Latvian natural remedies - Latvia (13. desember 2024) |
"Galerija Centrs" is a place to indulge in elegance and the charm of fashion. In the place where "Galerija Centrs" is currently located, from the 13th to the 16th century, there was the trading port of Riga and the Rīdzene river flowed, since 1938 there has been active trade here. Galerija Centrs | LiveRiga (13. desember 2024) |
Operahuset i Riga. Huset ligger i utkanten av parken "Opera Skvers" |
fra latvisk. Opera Square is located between the Latvian National Opera and the Freedom Monument and Aspasia Boulevard and the Riga Canal Edge. The city canal was formed after the demolition of the protective walls of Riga and partially filled the fortification ditch. The length of the city canal is 3.2 km. On both sides of the canal gradually, beginning in 1859, greenery was formed. The first greenery was installed according to the draft of the Lübeck engineer A. Wendt. For the installation of greenery 1863-1879. the autumn of the year was continued by the gardener Reims, from 1880, when the Garden Authority was established at the town board under the direction of G. Kufalta, the greenery was substantially remodeled. Higher demands were placed on garden art. On the canal edge grows dioecious ginkgo, American yeast tree, 20 varieties of native trees, as well as 110 varieties of introduced trees. In 1887, the fountain Nymph, designed by A. Foltz, was installed in the greenery of the canal edge near the Latvian National Opera. Operas skvērs, Rīga - redzet.lv (13. desember 2024 |
3. desember 2024 2. dag I dag drar vi på byvandring gjennom labyrinten av smale gater og åpne plasser. Vi kommer blant annet forbi Nasjonaloperaen, det gotiske Svarthodenes hus, de svenske portene og kruttårnet. På Rådhusplassen finner vi det tradisjonelle julemarkedet, vakkert omgitt av middelalderlige hus. Det var her verden for første gang i 1510 kunne glede seg over synet av et pyntet juletre. Julemarkedet er et overflødighetshorn av julelekkerier og latvisk brukskunst. Fine duker og servietter i lin, strikkevarer, trearbeider og ravsmykker. Av og til opptrer lokale folkloregrupper på markedet. Man føler seg hensatt til en svunnen tid! Underveis besøker vi flere spennende spesialbutikker. Byvandringen slutter på den kjente Café Black Magic, der vi skal smake på Riga Balzam med en bit sjokolade til. Den svarte bitterdrikken kan nytes til kaffen, helles over vaniljeis og brukes i drinker og kaker. Etter en hemmelig oppskrift skapte apotekeren Kunze i 1752 den populære drikken som medisin mot alt – unntatt kjærlighet. Vi setter oss sammen på en autentisk restraurant i hjertet av Riga, og får servert en god to-retters lunsj. Ettermiddagen er satt av til egne eventyr på julemarkedet. Vi anbefaler en kopp varm sjokolade på Café Emihla Gustava eller Café Kuze. Måltider inkludert: Frokost og Lunsj |
Frokost på hotellet. Bobler hver dag. |
Audeju iela |
Rock of barokk |
by city of Riga, and other funds were donated from people who wished to participate in the rebuilding process; "I build the House of the Black Heads" by donating 5 lats (approximately 7-11 EUR) they could place a brick in the wall. There were more than 5,000 participants. The House of the Black Heads was officially opened on 9 December 1999. House of the Blackheads (Riga) - Wikipedia (16. desember 2024) |
We know this for certain since references to the tree are preserved in the archives of the Brotherhood of Blackheads (Bruderschaft der Schwarzhäupter). This mediaeval organisation united single merchants and seafarers who had previously been members of the Grand Guild of the Free City of Revel – now known as Tallinn. The Brotherhood existed from the middle of the fourteenth century until 1940. Its members had a tangible influence on life both in Revel and Riga, where they owned a house in the Town Hall Square. It is next to this building, restored in 2000, where the commemorative plaque stands in honour of the first Christmas tree. How Riga Decorated the First Christmas Tree and Set an Example to the World – Neighborhood (16. desember 2024) |
There are two
distinct types of Latvian national costume,
based One iconic
feature of Latvian women's folk dress is the
traditional Culture
of Latvia - Wikipedia ((16.
desember 2024) |
most popular in the city and was considered a medicine that could cure almost or all ailments. It is possible that in the18th century, not only this balsam was offered in this place, but alsoconfectionery and chocolate products, herbal teas and coffee with balsam additive for health and strength. Who knows... All the beauty of legends can be hidden in the fact thatthet were created with inspiration and continue to influence us even afterseveral centuries, and make them very enjoyable to look at and enjoy. Riga Black Magic 16. desember 2024 |
Til venstre demonstreres tryllesjokolade Over: Vi smaker på Riga-coffe og en spesiell te. |
Onsdag 4.
desember 2024 Dag 3: Jugendkvarter Riga
et av Europas største og mest imponerende antall
bygninger i jugendstil/art De
pyntede husene til det finere borgerskapet stammer
fra slutten av På
har vi tid til å utforske Riga på egenhånd. Her kan
man fordype seg i Måltider inkludert: Frokost, Lunsj og Tre-retters Middag (avgang 02.desember) |
Om formiddagen spaserte vi fra hotellet og til Jugentmuseet i Riga. |
Atlas bærer himmelvelvingen på sine skuldre. |
On 5 September 2013, as part of the 150th anniversary celebrations of the Latvian National Opera and Ballet Theatre building, a monument was unveiled in honour of the great Rigan and ballet dancer Māris Rūdolfs Liepa (1936 – 1989). Following an invitation from curator Helēna Demakova, the monument was created by Estonian artists Jaan Toomik and Jiri Ojaver, who are professors at the Art Academy of Estonia, who have represented their country at the Venice Biennale, while of all the artists in the Baltic States, Jaan Toomik is received the greatest international recognition and renown. The monument’s architects are Peter Pere (Estonia) and Juris Gertmanis (Latvia). A monument to the great ballet dancer Māris Rūdolfs Liepa (2013) — The Boris and Inara Teterev Foundation (16. desember 2024) |
Fontene utenfor Operaen i Riga. |
Freedom Monument - Wikipedia (16. desember 2024) |
In 1856, the ramparts of the Riga Fortress [lv] were demolished, replacing the 'Sand Bastion' with the name of Basteiberg (German: Basteiberg) (originally known as Bastion Hill). |
was the reconstruction of the greenery of Bastejkalns. The creation of the German: Basteiberganlagen plantation of the Bastion Hill lasted from 1859 to 1887. In 1860, a wooden pavilion was erected and replaced in 1887 with the first Bastion Hill café. Bastejkalns Park - Wikipedia (16. desember 2024) |
Jugendstil-museet The Riga Art Nouveau Centre is the only museum in the Baltics that presents a complete picture of the historical heritage of Art Nouveau and offers an authentic environment for discovering and savouring Art Nouveau in an early 20th century apartment in Riga. The Riga Art Nouveau Centre is one of the youngest museums in Riga. After a thorough inspection of the premises, the authentic interiors of 1903 were recreated in the apartment, so visitors could discover Art Nouveau at its fullest, from home planning to the minute details, such as door and window handles. Riga Art Nouveau Centre | latvia.travel (16. desember 2024) |
Fea leiligheten i Jugend-museet |
Trappegangen på Jugund-museet |
The Nativity of Christ Cathedral (Latvian: Kristus Piedzimšanas pareizticīgo katedrāle, Russian: Христорождественский кафедральный собор), Riga, Latvia was built to a design by Nikolai Chagin and Robert Pflug in a Neo-Byzantine style between 1876 and 1883, with decorations made by the firm of August Volz, during the period when the country was part of the Russian Empire. |
It is the largest Orthodox cathedral in the Baltic provinces built with the blessing of the Russian Tsar Alexander II on the initiative of local governor-general Pyotr Bagration and bishop Veniamin Karelin. Cathedral of the Nativity of Christ, Riga - Wikipedia (16. desember 2024) |
Middagstid |
5. desember 2024 Dag 4: Julemarked ved den ortodokse katedralen og operaforestilling I dag besøker vi den russisk-ortodokse katedralen med de vakre løkkuplene. I sovjettiden ble kirken brukt som planetarium, men etter Latvias selvstendighet fungerer den igjen som kirke. Det hviler en spesiell atmosfære i bygningen, med sine fantastiske utsmykninger og malerier. Vi tar oss god tid til å kjenne på den flotte stemmingen. Etter besøket, opplever vi julemarkedet ved katedralen fylt med spennende kunsthåndverk og juleknask. Her finner vi masser av autentiske og håndlagede juledekorasjoner, og hele området er fylt av en flott førjulsstemning. Ettermiddagen har vi til fri disposisjon, og her kan man ta seg tid til å finne et hyggelig spisested i sentrum av byen. Reiseleder vil selvfølgelig være behjelpelig med tips om spennende attraksjoner og gode restauranter, som er verdt et besøk. På kvelden spaserer vi noen minutters gange over til den Nasjonale Operaen i Riga og gjør oss klare for forestillingen. https://www.opera.lv/en/production/lelisir-damore/ L`Elisir D´Amore er en opera i to akter av Gaetano Donizetti. Denne hadde sin uroppføring i 1832. |
Noen bilder fra Markedshallen |
and has been included in UNESCO World Heritage Site list together with Old Riga in 1998. It was planned from 1922 and built from 1924 to 1930. The main structures of the market are five pavilions constructed by reusing old German Zeppelin hangars and incorporating Neoclassicism and Art Deco styles. The market is 72,300 square metres (778,000 sq ft) wide with more than 3,000 trade stands. Riga Central Market - Wikipedia (16. desembler 2024) |
Moderne kjøpesenter like ved hotellet vi bodde på. The history of “Galerija Centrs” goes back to 1938, when a cornerstone was put, and the building started. After an ambitious reconstruction of the building in 2006, the center acquired its’ current look and the outstanding glass roof, so that daylight shines upon the Rīdzene street – in that way, the “Galerija Centrs” became the first shopping gallery in the Baltics with such a glass passage. Galerija Centrs - Galerija Centrs (16. deember 2024) |
Riga’s tallest church with a tower offering a breathtaking view of the red roofs of Old Town, the modern part of the city, Riga Bay and the Daugava River with its large port. The tower is 123.25 meters high, and visitors are taken to the second gallery at the height of 72 meters. Riga St Peter’s Church | latvia.travel (16. desember 2024) |
To bilder tatt fra tårnet på St. Peterskirken. |
Forestillingen vi så var: L'elisir d'amore |
L'elisir d'amore (pronounced [leliˈzir daˈmoːre]; The Elixir of Love) is a melodramma giocoso (comic melodrama, opera buffa) in two acts by the Italian composer Gaetano Donizetti. Felice Romani wrote the Italian libretto, after Eugène Scribe's libretto for Daniel Auber's Le philtre (1831). The opera premiered on 12 May 1832 at the Teatro della Canobbiana in Milan. L'elisir d'amore - Wikipedia (16. desember 2024 |
6. desember 2024 Dag 5: Hjemreise I dag er det klart for hjemreise, og vi setter kursen mot flyplassen. Vi flyr med Air Baltic tilbake til Oslo og er fremme på Gardermoen på ettermiddagen. Måltider inkludert: Frokost |
Tilbake til
1. side |