Bilder fra Romaturene våre,

og fra Firenze

Oktober 2007, oktober 2008, mars 2010 og september 2013(sammen med Geir)
I oktober 2010 var vi i Roma sammen med Magnus og Elisabeth. Den turen har fått egen omtale.

endringer 26. mars 2021
endringer 20. januar 2024

Bydel Via Veneto, Piazza Barberini med
            Fontana del Tritone, Palazzo Barberini,
            Kirker i Via Veneto, Santa Maria della Vittoria
Bydel Quirinal:  Fontana di Trevi
Bydel Piazza_di_Spagna: Spansketrappa/Villa Medici/
            Pincio/Piazza Popolo,
Bydel Piazza della Rotunda
Bydel Piazza Navona, Pantheon og Piazza della Minerva,
Vatikanet, Castel San Angelo,
Bydel Janiculum
Bydel Trastevere og Tevere,
Bydel Aventin


Bydel Campo de Fiori
Bydel Capitol
Bydel Forum
Bydel Palatin: Colosseum
Bydel Caracalla
Bydel Laterano
Bydel Esquilin
Ostia Antica/Ostia Lido
Via Appia Antica.
Piazza della Repubblica
(to bilder)
Det er også bilder fra

Romas flyplass Leonardo da Vinci - Fiumicino
og Leonardo-ekspressen

Dessuten fra turene ut av Roma til: Ostia, Tivoli og
Firenze med Chiantidistriktet

tilbake til 1. side

Noen tekster er fra  Gyldendals Reiseguider, Roma



Fra flyplassen Fiumicino går det greit med Leonardoekspressen.
Den kjører direkte (men ikke spesielt fort) til Roma Termini.

Via Veneto
I keisertidens Roma var dette en forstad der rikfolk hadde villaer og hager.
Ruiner fra denne tiden kan sees i utgravningene på Piazza Sallustio, oppkalt
etter de mest utstrakte hagene i området, Horti Sallustiane.
Etter plyndringene i Roma på 400-tallet ble omådet igjen åpent landskap.
Først med byggingen av Palazzo Barberini og den nå forsvunne Villa Ludovisi
på 1600-tallet fikk det tilbake den gamle storheten. Da Roma ble hovedstad i
Italia i 1870, solgte Ludovisi-familien sin eiendom til byutvikling. De beholdt en
tomt for å bygge et nytt hus, men skatten på fortjenesten av salget var så høy
at de måtte selge den også. I begynnelsen av 1900-tallet var Via Veneto en
gate med smarte, moderne hoteller og kafeer. Gaten spilte en viktig rolle i
Fellinis bitende filmsatire: La Dolce Vita fra 1960 om livet til filmstjerner og
dovne rikfolk, men siden har gaten mistet sin posisjon som møtested for de
(Fra Gyldendals Reiseguider, Roma)

Ikke noe å si på frokosten på hotellet.  (2.10.2007)

Via XX Settembre. 
Trærne er appelsintrær,
fulle av appelsiner.

To ganger har vi bodd her på
Imperial Palace hotel

(bildet er tatt 30.9.2007)

The exclusive Empire Palace Hotel

is located in the modern district of
Sallustiano, that was created in
1921 on the northern part of the
Quirinale hill.
The area har always been
characterized by elitism since the
ancient times because of presence
of the Horti Sallustiani (43 a.C.).
Around them, since the end of the
Republic and during the entire
Imperial age, there were the house
of the rich Roman magistrates.
The Quirinale hill was limited by
the ancient Via Alta Semita, whose
route was changed in 1561 by
Pope Pius IV, in honour of whom
it was called Via Pia. It
corresponds to the present Via del
Quirinale and Via XX Settembre.
Prestigeious villas were built one
after the other on the site.
They all had a lodge and they were surrounded by wonderful gardens and outdoor
......The prestigious Empire Palace is located in the heart of this part of the city,
in the refined rooms of a palece thst was built by Nani Mocenigo the same year
Rome became capital. Mocenigo was member of an extremely important Venetian
family and he chose the palace as his residence in the eternal city.
(Fra skilt på veggen til Imperial Palace hotel)


Kirkene i Roma er kunstmuseer.
Her er vi kommet til Santa Maria
della Vittoria.

Til høyre:
I kirken er et av Berninis mest kjente
verk, statuen av den hellige Teresa. (1646)

(bildet er tatt 8.3.2010)

Bildet er fra

The sloping site had formerly been
occupied by a garden-vineyard of the
Sforza family, in which a palazzetto
had been built in 1549. The sloping
site passed from one cardinal to
another during the sixteenth century,
with no project fully getting off the
When Cardinal Alessandro Sforza
met financial hardships, the still
semi-urban site was purchased in
1625 by Maffeo Barberini, of the
Barberini family, who became
Pope Urban VIII.

Today, Palazzo Barberini houses the Galleria Nazionale d'Arte
Antica, one of the most important painting collections in Italy.
(Vi var der april 2015)

Mye god mat i Italia   (bildet er tatt 2013)
Piazza Barberini med Tritonefontenen passerer vi på vei mot sentrum.
(Gjelder flere av hotellene vi har bodd på)
Fontenen ble skapt av Bernini for pave Urban VIII Barberini i 1642.
(bildet er tatt 30.9.2007)
Bydel Quirinal

Som en av Romas opprinnelige syv høyder ble Quirinal i keisertiden hovedsakelig
benyttet til boligområde. Øst for høyde lå de kjempestore Diocletians Termer som
fremdeles står foran det som nå er hovedjernbanestasjonen.

Området ble forlatt i middelalderen, men ble populært igjen sent på 1500-tallet.
Pavene tok det beste stedet til Palazzo del Quirinale. Betydelige familier som Colonna
og Aldobrandini hadde sine palasser lenger nede på høyden. Da pavestyret ble avskaffet
i 1870, ble området omkring, og særlig langs Via Nazionale, fornyet da Quirinal ble
residens for Italias konger og senere presidenten.
(Fra Gyldendals Reiseguider, Roma)


Geir på vandring i Romas gater

Her i følge med Grete (2013)

Ikke langt fra Piazza Barberini finner
Grete kaster mynt i Fontena di Trevi.
Så blir det flere turer til Roma.
(Jeg kastet mynt i brønnen første gang i
1968, og det er blitt mange nye turer
til Roma.) 
(bildet er tatt 30.9.2007)

Fontenen er utformet av Nicola Salvis og ble ferdig i 1762.
På bildet ser vi Triton og en "havhest"
Stedet markerte opprinnelig avslutningen av Aqua Virgoakvedukten
som ble bygd i 19 f.Kr.
  (bilde 8.3.2010)

Trevi Fountain
is the most beautiful fountain in Rome. Measuring some 20 meters
in width by 26 meters in height, Trevi Fountain is also the largest fountain in the city.
The origins of the fountain go back to the year 19 B.C., in which period the fountain
formed the end of the Aqua Virgo aqueduct. The first fountain was built during the
Renaissance, under the direction of Pope Nicholas V.
The final appearance of the Trevi Fountain dates from 1762, when after many years
of works at the hand of Nicola Salvi, it was finalized by Giuseppe Pannini.
Interestingly enough, the name of Trevi derives from Tre Vie (three ways), since the
fountain was the meeting point of three streets.

The myth of the Trevi Fountain

Why are there always people in the fountain throwing coins into the water and
taking photos of themselves?
The myth, originating in 1954 with the movie
"Three Coins in the Fountain," goes like this:

  • If you throw one coin: you will return to Rome.
  • If you throw two coins: you will fall in love with an attractive Italian.
  • If you throw three coins: you will marry the person that you met.
In order to achieve the desired effect, you should throw the coin with your
right hand over your left shoulder.

An interesting statistic is that approximately a million euros worth of coins
are taken from the fountain each year. Since 2007 this money has been used
to support good causes.   (28.8.2019)


Vi er fortsatt ved Trevifontenen. Kirken er Santi Vincenzo e Anastasio.
(bildet er tatt 30.9.2007)

Ved Fontana di Trevi er det alltid mye folk.   (bilde 16.10.2008)

Trevifontena april 2022m

The Fontana dell'Acqua Felice,
also called the 
Fountain of Moses,
is a monumental fountain located in the
Quirinale District of Rome, Italy.
It marked the terminus of the Acqua Felice
aqueduct restored by Pope Sixtus V.
It was designed by Domenico Fontana and
built in 1585–88.

At the beginning the reign of Pope Sixtus V
(born Felice Peretti) in 1585, only one of the
ancient Roman aqueducts which brought
water to the city, the Aqua Vergine, was still
being maintained and working. Everyone in
Rome who wanted clean drinking water had
to go to the single fountain near the site of
today's Trevi Fountain. Pope Sixtus took on
the responsibility of restoring other
aqueducts, including the Acqua
Alessandrina, which he renamed Acqua
Felice after himself. 

The new fountain that marked the terminus of the restored aqueduct was the first new monumental wall fountain in Rome since antiquity.
Fontana dell'Acqua Felice - Wikipedia    (23. april 2022)

Le Quattro Fontane, Styrkens (eller Junos) fontene. (28.9.2013)
Det er fire fontener festet til bygningene i krysset mellom to travle gater.
De stammer fra den store byfornyelsen av Roma under Sixtus V  (1585-1590)
En fontene representerer elveguden som er fulgt av ulvinnen, tydelig
Tevere. Den andre mannlige skikkelsen kan være Arno. De kvinnelige
skikkelsene representerer styrke og trofasthet eller gudinnene Juno og
Diana. (Over er Diana)(fra Gyldendals reiseguider)

Quattro Fontane
Dianafontena etter rengjøring

The fountain of Diana was designed by the
painter and architect Pietro da Cortona.
Quattro Fontane - Wikipedia  (23. april 2022)
Quattro Fontane, elveguden
som er fulgt av ulvinnen Tevere.

The fountains of the Aniene, Tiber,
and Juno are the work of Domenico
Quattro Fontane - Wikipedia  (23. april 2022)

Fontenen på Piazza Quirinale   (23.9.2013)
Piazza Quirinale
Found on the tallest of the seven hills of Rome, Quirinal Hill, the Piazza del Quirinale offers breath-taking views of the city. Magnificent buildings surround three sides of the square.

One of the most striking elements of the square
is the obelisk, which is located next to the
statues on which Castor and Pollux, patrons of horse riders, are taming several horses.
One of the most striking elements of the square
is the obelisk with a fountain located at its feet. On either side of the monument there are two statues of Castor and Pollux, each flanked by a horse. These twin brothers from the Roman mythology were considered the patron gods of

Before being relocated to Piazza del Quirinale, the statues had decorated the entrance of the Baths of Constantine and the obelisk had stood on the Mausoleum of Augustus.
Designed as a summer residence for Pope Gregory XIII in 1573, the Palazzo del Quirinale became the royal family residence after the unification of Italy. After Italy had become a republic, the palace became the presidential home in 1947.
Piazza del Quirinale & Palazzo del Quirinale - Rome (23. april 2022)

Presidentpalasset, eller Palazzo del Quirinale april 2015
The palace, located on the Via del Quirinale and facing onto the Piazza del
Quirinale, was built in 1583 by Pope Gregory XIII as a papal summer residence.
The pope wanted to find a location which would have been far away from the
 humidity and stench coming from the river  Tiber and the unhealthy conditions
of the Lateran Palace, therefore the Quirinal hill was one of the most suitable
places in Rome.
On the site, there was already a small villa owned by the  Carafa family and
rented to Luigi d'Este.The pope commissioned the architect Ottaviano
Masherino to build a palace with porticoed parallel wings and an internal
court. The project was not fully completed due to the death of the pope in 1585
but it is still recognisable in the north part of the court, especially in the double
loggia facade, topped by the panoramic Torre dei venti (tower of the winds) or
Torrino. To the latter, a bell tower was added according to a project by Carlo
Maderno and Francesco Borromini.

The Quirinal Palace (known in Italian as the Palazzo del Quirinale or simply
Quirinale) is a historic building in Rome, the current official residence of the
president of the Italian Republic.

Caravaggioutstilling i Scuderie del Quirinale

(10.3.2010) Scuderie del Quirinale ligger på Piazza del Quirinale

Archeologists believe that the
sculptures’ original homes were inside
the Temple of the God Traiano, which
stood in the Forum named for him.
They were discovered in 1586 during
the reconstruction of the Palazzo
Bonneli, the future residence of
Cardinal Michael Bonelli, which was
located between Traina Column and
the present-day Palazzo Valentini.
The Cardinal, practicing what we call
“home depot,” used the heads to
decorate his Palace, and it was at this
time that the rhino and elephant were
constructed in the Renaissance period.
Also during this period some elements
of the sculptures were restored, such
as the mane of the horse and the horns
of the ox and the ram.
The sculptures resided in Palazzo
Bonelli until 1878, at which time
they were placed in the Roman

April 2015

They were placed in their
current location, the Michelangelo
Cloister, in the 1900’s, where they
surround the fountain constructed
in 1695 (Plaque: Archeological
Museum at Hadrian’s Baths).
(tekst fra 2015)

Diocletians termer april 2015

The Baths of Diocletian (Latin: Thermae Diocletiani, Italian: Terme di Diocleziano)
were public baths in ancient Rome. Named after emperor Diocletian and built from
298 AD to 306 AD, they were the largest of the imperial baths. The project was
originally commissioned by Maximian upon his return to Rome in the autumn of
298 and was continued after his and Diocletian's abdication under Constantius, father of Constantine.The baths were open until c. 537, when the Ostrogoths cut off aqueducts
from the city of Rome.

The site houses the Basilica of Santa Maria degli Angeli e dei Martiri, built within
the ruins in the 16th century, as well as the Church of San Bernardo alle Terme
and part of the National Roman Museum.

The baths occupy the high-ground on the northeast summit of the Viminal, the
smallest of the Seven hills of Rome, just inside the Agger of the Servian Wall
(near what are today the Piazza della Repubblica and Termini rail station).
They served as a bath for the people residing in the Viminal, Quirinal, and
Esquiline quarters of the city. The Quadrigae Pisonis, a 2nd-century
monument with various reliefs, some private homes, and a relief representing
the temple of Quirinus once stood at the site but were demolished to build the
baths. The water supply was provided by the Aqua Marcia, an aqueduct that
had long served the city of Rome since the early 2nd century. To properly supply
the baths, the supply of water to the city was increased under the order of
Diocletian. The baths may have also been supplied by the Aqua Antoniniana,
 which was originally positioned to supply Caracalla's baths in the early 3rd

The baths were commissioned by Maximian in honor of co-emperor Diocletian
in 298 AD, the same year he returned from Africa. Evidence of this can be found
in bricks from the main area of the baths, which distinctly show stamps of the
Diocletianic period. These, according to the ancient guidebook Mirabilia Urbis
Romae, were known as "Palatium Diocletiani". This evidence shows the effect of
the massive project on the brick industry in that all work by them was redirected
and under control of the emperor. Building took place between the year it was
first commissioned and was finished sometime between the abdication of
Diocletian in 305 and the death of Constantius in July 306.
Baths of Diocletian - Wikipedia   (23. april 2021)

Midt på plassen står Fontana delle Naiadi.
Fontenen er laget av Mario Rutelli.
De fire  nakne bronsenymfene førte til litt
av en skandale da de ble avduket i 1901.


Vi har også vært i kirke Santi Vinconzi e Ananstasio

Santi Vincenzo e Anastasio a Trevi ("Saints Vincent and Anastasius at Trevi") is a
Baroque church in Rome, the capital of Italy. Built from 1646 to 1650 to the design
of architect Martino Longhi the Younger and located in close proximity to the
Trevi Fountain and the Quirinal Palace, for which it served as parish church, it is
notable as the place where the precordia and embalmed hearts of 25 popes from
Sixtus V to Leo XIII are preserved.Santi Vincenzo e Anastasio a Trevi lies on the
location of a medieval church, mentioned in 962 in a bull by Pope John XII as a b
ranch of the San Silvestro in Capite basilica as well as in 15th century records.
Known as Santi Vincenzo e Anastasio since the 16th century, it was rebuilt in
the Baroque style and completed in 1650.

Kirker i bydelen Quirinal
(april 2015)

The Basilica of St. Mary of the Angels and of the Martyrs is a basilica and titular church in Rome, Italy, built inside the ruined frigidarium of the Roman Baths of
Diocletian in the Piazza della Repubblica.
It was constructed in the 16th century following an original design by Michelangelo
Buonarroti. Other architects and artists added to the church over the following
centuries. During the Kingdom of Italy, the church was used for religious state

The basilica is dedicated to the Christian martyrs, known and unknown. By a brief
dated 27 July 1561, Pius IV ordered the church "built", to be dedicated to the
Beatissimae Virgini et omnium Angelorum et Martyrum ("the Most Blessed Virgin
of all the Angels and Martyrs"). Impetus for this dedication had been generated by
the account of a vision of the Archangel Uriel experienced in the ruins of the Baths
in 1541 by a Sicilian monk, Antonio del Duca, who had been lobbying for decades
for papal authorization of a more formal veneration of the Angelic Princes. A story
that these Martyrs were Christian slave labourers who had been set to constructing
the Baths is modern. It was also a personal monument of Pope Pius IV, whose tomb
is in the apsidal tribune.
Santa Maria degli Angeli e dei Martiri - Wikipedia   (23. april 2022)
Chiesa di San Carlino alle
Quattro Fontane (april 2015)

This is one of two small Baroque churches
close together on the ridge of the Quirinal
Hill, the other being Sant'Andrea al
Together they are now recognized as being
on of the great architectural experiences
of Europe, and attract many discerning
visitors from worldwide.

The two churches are a pair
of complementary masterpieces
by the two titanic rivals of the
architectural world of 17th
century Rome, Francesco
Borromini and Gian Lorenzo
Bernini. The personalities
of these two geniuses are
reflected in their respective
churches. Bernini was the
talented son of a successful
society sculptor, brought up to
be sophisticated and
self-confident, and his church
of Sant' Andrea is his exercise
in Baroque as theatre.
Borromini had a difficult
upbringing and struggled
with mental illness
(he eventually committed
suicide), but his neurotic
reclusiveness masked a
brilliant analytical mind
and his church of San Carlo
is his demonstration of
Baroque as mathematics.

Sant'Andrea al Quirinale (april 2015)
The Church of Saint Andrew on the Quirinal is a Roman Catholic titular church in
Rome, Italy, built for the Jesuit seminary on the Quirinal Hill.
The church of Sant'Andrea, an important example of Roman Baroque architecture,
was designed by Gian Lorenzo Bernini with Giovanni de'Rossi. Bernini received the
commission in 1658 and the church was constructed by 1661, although the interior
decoration was not finished until 1670. The site previously accommodated a
16th-century church, Sant'Andrea a Montecavallo.Commissioned by former Cardinal
Camillo Francesco Maria Pamphili, with the approval of Pope Alexander VII, Sant'Andrea
was the third Jesuit church constructed in Rome, after the Church of the Gesù and
Sant'Ignazio. It was to serve the Jesuit novitiate, which was founded in 1566. Bernini
considered the church one of his most perfect works; his son, Domenico, recalled that in
his later years, Bernini spent hours sitting inside it, appreciating what he had achieved.
The French dramatist Victorien Sardou set the first act of his play La Tosca in the church.

Sant'Andrea al Quirinale - Wikipedia   (23. april 2022)
Santa Maria ai Monti
Situated on the sloping terrain above
the ancient forums of Rome, near Via
Cavour, at 41 Via della Madonna dei
Monti, the church was commissioned
by Pope Gregory XIII
in 1580 to
celebrate the discovery of a
miraculous 15th-century image of
Our Lady with Sts Lawrence and
, found in the ruins of a
nearby convent of the
Poor Clares,
and which now hangs over the high

Bildet fra:

A copy is taken in procession through the streets on
26 April each year.

The church was designed by Giacomo della Porta with
a façade inspired by his prior work of the Church of the Gesu.
It has two rows of Corinthian pilasters that are connected
with volutes. (The façade was renovated in 1991–92)
Above the door is a dedicatory inscription
and votive niches. The work was continued by
Carlo Lombardi and Flaminio Ponzio. Original to this phase
are the statues by Giovanni Anguilla of the four major
prophets of the Old Testament in the niches of the dome (1599).

Bydel Piazza di Spagna

På 1500-tallet førte økningen i antall pilegrimer og geistlige som strømmet til Roma,
til at livet i Romas allerede overbefolkede middelaldersentrum ble uutholdelig.
Det ble bygd en ny trekant med veier som fremdeles eksisterer, for å sluse pilegrimene raskest mulig fra byens nordlige port, Porta del Popolo, til Vatikanet.

På 1700-tallet var det hoteller over hele distriktet. I dag har området mye mer å
tilby; de ypperlige eksemplene på renessanse- og barokkunst i Santa Maria del
Popolo og Sant Andrea delle Fratte, de praktfulle relieffene på det restaurerte
Ara Pacis, kunstutstillingenen i Villa Medici, den fine utsikten over byen fra den
spanske trappen og fra Pinchio-hagegene, og Romas mest berømte handlegater
rundt Via Condotti med spennende butikker.
(Fra Gyldendals Reiseguider, Roma)

Øverst i den Spanske Trappa er det mange souvenirselgere.

Øverst i den Spanske Trappa   



Grete tar en hvil i den
Spanske Trappa.
På 1600-tallet bestemte de franske eierne av kirken Trinita dei Monti seg
for å forbinde kirken med Piazza di Spagna ved hjelp av en flott trapp.
Trappen ble ikke bygd før 1726.

(bilde 30.9.2007)


Piazza di Spagna med Fontana della Barcaccia. Fontenen ble utformet enten
av Gian Lorenzo Bernini eller av hans far Pietro. (Barcaccia betyr ubrukelig,
gammel båt.)

På plassen ligger tesalongen Babingtons som ble åpnet i 1896 av to engelske
kvinner, Anna Maria og Isabel Cargill Barbington.

Navna Piazza di Spagna
På 1600-tallet hadde Spanias ambassadør til pavestolen sitt hovedkvarter på
piazzaen, og området rundt ble ansett som spansk territorium. Utlendinger som uforvarende kom inn på området, risikerte å bli tvunget inn i den spanske hæren.

(bilde 30.9.2007)
Like ved den Spanske Trappa ligger
Villa Medici.
Villaen er fra 1500-tallet. Ferdinando
de Medici kjøpte den i 1576.
I dag holder det fransk akademiet
til i villaen.  (30.9.2007)

Pinciohagene (23.9.2013)
Fontana del Mose Salvator,  Mosesfontena
The Pincian Hill, one of the most romantic and picturesque places in the Capital, is a Roman hill (although not one of the Seven Hills) offering a breathtaking view of the
Piazza del Popolo and the city. It is part of the Villa Borghese and is within the
Aurelian Walls. The balcony overlooks the Piazza del Popolo and the Villa Medici.
Pincian Hill (Il Pincio), Rome - Italy -     (23. april 2022)
Bildet er tatt april 2015
Hydrochronometer is a kind of a
water clock. It has the shape of a
wooden pinnacle made of cast iron
fused as tree trunks, while its four
dials are visible from every direction.

In 1867 Fr. Giovan Battista Embriaco,
O.P., inventor and professor of the
College of St. Thomas in Rome,
created a hydrochronometer and sent
it to the Paris Universal Exposition of
1867, where it received many prizes.

A hydrochromometer was built on
the Pincian Hill in Rome at the
Palazzo Berardi. In 1873, the Water
clock was in Rome and was placed
in Villa Borghese gardens into a
fountain realized by the architect
Gioacchino Ersoch.
It's still placed there and
works 24/7.2009.

Det er heller ikke langt til Piazza Poppolo
Fra terrassen er det fin utsikt over Roma. Rett bak terrassen ligger Pincio-hagene.
(Fontenen er Neptunfontenen,  Fontana del Nettuno. Bilde 3.10.2007)  


Fontana dei Leoni eller La Fontana dell'Obelisco

Between the elegant Pincio, and the banks of the Tevere, Piazza del Popoloyawns
into an enormous ellipse. Churches, fountains, monuments, and marble memoirs
of historic events in Rome both ancient and modern tastefully embellish the square.

Since antiquity, the city's Northern entrance formed a vestibule into the city
through the gate in the Aurelian Walls. Though now known as Porta del Popolo,
it has had various names over the centuries.

Originally called Porta Flaminia by the Emperor Aurelianus who commissioned its
construction, during the Early Medieval period, it was called Porta San Valentino,
after the nearest Catacomb. Finally the name Porta del Popolo was agreed on, as
the church adjoining the gate is Santa Maria del Popolo.


I kirken Santa Maria del Popolo:

The conversion on the way to
, by Caravaggio
Vannski, konstruert av
Leonardo da Vinci.
Bildet er fra en utstilling på
Piazza Popolo 2013

Piazza del Popolo
itself was known as Piazza del Trullo in the Middle Ages,
after the conical fountain which once stood in the centre of the square,
reminiscent of a characteristic South-Italian dwelling. Its present name may
be due to the poplar tree, known in Latin as "populus" which also meant
people, an apt association, as various public events such as fairs,
games and dramatic executions were held there.

Såpebobler på Piazza del Popolo
Fontena er Neptunfontena,  Fontana del Nettuno

Fredsalteret Ara Pacis
Alteret hyller freden leiser Augustus skaffet over hele middelhavsomrpdet
etter seierrike felttog i Gallia og Spania. monumentet ble bestilt av senatet
i 13 f. Kr og fullført 4 år senere. Det ble plassert slik at skyggen fra det store
soluret på Campus Martius ville falle på det på Ausgustus fødselsdag.
(Gyldendals reiseguider) 

Andre steder vi har besøkt i
bydelen Spagna

Italy oozes fashion, design and a love
for the fine and beautiful things in life.
While Milan is home to many of the
world's most fashion houses,
Rome certainly ranks at the top, too.
The world-famous Via dei Condotti is
simply a designer shoppers' paradise.
Via Condotti - handlegate med
"de eleganteste butikkene i et
av de eleganteste
handleområdene i verden"

Kirker i Spagna

Detalj fra søyle i kirken Trinita dei Monti,
som ligger på høyden over den Spanske
Kirken ble bygget av franskmennene
i 1495.

In 1494, Saint Francis of
Paola, a hermit from
Calabria, bought a vineyard
from the papal scholar and
former patriarch of
Aquileia, Ermolao Barbaro,
and then obtained the
authorization from Pope
Alexander VI to establish a
monastery for the Minimite
Friars. In 1502, Louis XII of
France began construction
of the church of the Trinità
dei Monti next to this
monastery, to celebrate his
successful invasion of Naples.
Building work began in a
French style with pointed late
Gothic arches, but construction

Bydel Piazza della Rotunda

Pantheon er en av de store bygningene i europeisk arkitekturhistorie, og har stått i
sentrum av Roma i nesten 2000 år. Dette historiske området har opplevd uavbrutt
økonomisk og politisk aktivitet i hele denne tiden.
Palazzo di Montecitorio, bygd for
pave Innocens XII som pavetribunal i 1694, er nå det italienske parlamentet, og
mange av bygningene er regjeringskontore

Det er også Romas viktigste finansdistrikt med bankhovedkvarterer og
Det bor ikke mange mennesker her, men om kvelden slentrer
romerne rundt i de smale gatene og fyller de livlige restaurantene og kafeene
som gjør dette området til et senter for byens sosiale liv.

(Fra Gyldendals Reiseguider, Roma)

Pantheon "templet for alle guder", senere kirke.
Pantheon ble bygget av keiser Hadrian (118-125 e. kr.)   (28.9.2013)

Raffeals grav i Pantheon
Over grava står en Madonna av Lorenzetto (1520)
(bildet fra 26.9.2013)

Raffaello Santi, bedre kjent som Rafael (født 6. april 1483, død 6.april 1520),
var en maler og arkitekt under den italienske renessansen. Han ble også kalt
Raffaello Sanzio, Raffaello de Urbino og Rafael Sanzio de Urbino.

Piazza della Minerva,
med kirken Santa
Maria Sopre
Minerva ligger
like ved Pantheon.

(Pantheon sees
bak elefanten)
I kirken står statuen
Jesus med
korset, laget av
Michelangelo i 1521

Elefanten er hogget av
Ercole Ferrata
etter Berninis tegning. 

På Piazza della Minerva ligger også kirken Santa Maria Sopre Minerva.
Vi var inne i den i 2013.

Santa Maria sopra Minerva is one of the major churches of the Roman Catholic Order
of Preachers (better known as the Dominicans) in Rome, Italy. The church's name derives
from the fact that the first Christian church structure on the site was built directly over (Italian: sopra) the ruins or foundations of a temple dedicated to the Egyptian goddess Isis,
which had been erroneously ascribed to the Greco-Roman goddess Minerva (possibly due to interpretatio romana).

The church is located in Piazza della Minerva one block behind the Pantheon in the Pigna
rione of Rome within the ancient district known as the Campus Martius. The present
church and disposition of surrounding structures is visible in a detail from the Nolli Map
of 1748.

While many other medieval churches in Rome have been given Baroque makeovers that
cover Gothic structures, the Minerva is the only extant example of original Gothic architecture church building in Rome. Behind a restrained Renaissance style façade the Gothic interior features arched vaulting that was painted blue with gilded stars and
trimmed with brilliant red ribbing in a 19th-century Neo-Gothic restoration.
Santa Maria sopra Minerva - Wikipedia (24. april 2022)

Palazzo Doria Pamphilj
De eldste delene av
bygningen er fra 1435.
Familiesamlingen i galleriet
har mer enn 400 malerier
fra 1400-1700-tallet.

Galleriet er åpent
for publikum.

Chiesa di Sant’Ignazio di Loyola
The Church of St. Ignatius of Loyola at Campus Martius (Italian: Chiesa di
Sant'Ignazio di Loyola in CampoMarzio, Latin: Ecclesia Santi Ignatii

a Loyola in Campo Martio) is a Roman Catholic titular church, of deaconry rank,
dedicated to Ignatius
of Loyola, the founder of the Society of Jesus, located in Rome,
Italy. Built in Baroque style between 1626 and
1650, the church functioned originally as the chapel of the adjacent Roman College, that moved in 1584 to a new larger building
was renamed the Pontifical Gregorian University.,_Rome  
Bydel Piazza Navona

Fundamentene til bygningene som omgir Piazza Navonas lange oval, er ruinene av tribunene
til Diocletians kolossale stadion. Piazzaen er fremdeles et dramatisk skue med obelisken
ved Fontana dei Quattro Fiumi som blikkfang foran kirken Sant Agnese in Agone.

Barokken er den dominerende stilen i området, og mange av de fineste bygnigene stammer
fra Innocens X Pamphilj (pave 1644-1655), Berninis og Borrominis beskytter.

Komplekset Chiesa Nuova er av spesiell interesse. Det var hovedkvarteret til Den
hellige treenighets brorskap, ordenen som ble grunnlagt av San Filippo Neri,
"Romas apostel" på 1500-tallet.
(Fra Gyldendals Reiseguider, Roma)

Piazza Navona
Noen må rydde opp etter turistene.

Lunsjtid (28.9.2013)

"The Inspiration of St. Matthew"
malt av
Caravaggio i 1602 
befinner seg i kirken San Luigi
deu Francesi

(ved Piazza Navona)

Michelangelo Merisi da
Caravaggio, italiensk maler;
tilhører den romerske skole
og er den tidlige barokks
fremste mester.
Etter korte studier i Milano
og Venezia drog han til
Roma, hvor han slo igjennom.

Caravaggio ble født 1573 og
døde 1610.
Vi har også vært i kirken Sant Andrea della Valle (2007)

Sant'Andrea della Valle is a minor basilica in the rione of Sant'Eustachio of the city
of Rome, Italy. The basilica is the general seat for the religious order of the Theatines.
It is located at Piazza Vidoni, 6 at the intersection of Corso Vittorio Emanuele (facing
facade) and Corso Rinascimento.

A church was initially planned when, in 1582, Donna Costanza Piccolomini d'Aragona,
duchess of Amalfi and descendant of the family of Pope Pius II, bequeathed her palace
and the adjacent church of San Sebastiano in central Rome to the Theatine order for construction of a new church. Since Amalfi's patron was Saint Andrew, the church was
planned in his honor. Work initially started around 1590 under the designs of Giacomo
della Porta and Pier Paolo Olivieri, and under the patronage of Cardinal Gesualdo. With
the previous patron's death, direction of the church passed to Cardinal Alessandro Peretti
di Montalto, nephew of Pope Sixtus V. Work restarted by 1608, financed by what was then
an enormous endowment of over 150,000 gold scudi, and with a more grandiose plan
designed mainly by Carlo M
aderno. The interior of the church was completed by 1650,
with some changes added by Francesco Grimaldi.
Sant'Andrea della Valle - Wikipedia    (24. april 2022)

Fontana dei Quattro Fiumi

Bildet over: Det blir hevdet at Rio de la Platas atletiske skikkelse som kryper
sammen med armen i været uttrykker Berninis frykt for at den nærliggende
kirken Sant Agnese in Agone skal falle sammen. Kirken er utformet av hans
rival Borromini.
Dette kan ikke være riktig.  Bernini var ferdig med fontenen før Borromini
startet arbeidet med kirken.

Piazza Navona er en populær møteplass.
Det er tre fontener på plassen, bassenget på Fontana di Nettuno i nordenden av
plassen er bygd av Giacomo della Porta i 1576, mens statuene av Neptun og
nereidene er fra 1800-tallet.
Midt på pladfssen står Fontana dei Quattro Fiumi, bygd for pave Innocens X Pamphilj
og avduket i 1651. Bernini utformet fontenen og den ble betalt med svært
upopulære skatter på brød og andre viktige varer.


Vatikanstaten, offisielt
Stato della Città del Vaticano,
pavens suverene
område, ligger i nordvestlige del av
Italias hovedstad, Roma, og er
verdens minste
selvstendige stat i
både areal og folkemengde.

Vatikanstaten omfatter selve
Vatikanets administrasjons-bygninger,
hager, museer,
verksteder og
trykkerier, Peterskirken og

Petersplassen samt en gruppe
embets- og
bolighus. Hertil kommer
en rekke bygninger
utenfor Vatikanet
med pavelig eksterritorialrett,

i Roma eller omegnen.
Blant dem er også
sommerresidens Castel Gandolfo i Albanerfjellene.

Den Grønnkledde.
Sett utenfor Castel Sant Angelo

Castel San Angelo

Borgen Sant Angelo
Borgen har navn etter den visjonen pave Gregor den store hadde av
erkeengelen Mikael på dette stedet. Den ble bygd i 139 e.Kr. som keiser
Hadrians mausoleum. Siden har den hatt mange roller: del av keiser
Aurelians bymus, festning og fengsel i middelalderen og residens for
pavene i tider med politisk uro.

Engelen Michael
på toppen
av Castel
San Angelo

Kapellet på toppen
av bygningen ble
midt på
med en stor
utført av Raffaello
da Montelupos,
denne ble 1752
avløst av

Geir på den øverste terrassen på Castel Sant Angelo.
Utsikt mot Peterskirken.   (28.9.2013)

Kaffe og øl på kafeen på Castel Sant Angelo. (28.9.2013)
Det er lang kø til Vatikanmuseet. (Men det går utrolig raskt framover i køen.)
Bygningen var opprinnelig pavepalasser.   (3.10.2007)

Køen var ikke fullt så lang en regnværsdag i mars.  (9.3.2010)

Spiraltrappen ble tegnet av
Guiseppe Momo i 1932.


Også i Vatikanstaten kan det
være veldig vått
.   (9.3.2010)

Man må være rett antrukket i kirkene.
Karl Martin gjør seg klar til et besøk i
Peterskirken.  (2.10.2007)

Vi var en tur oppe i kuppelen også.
På vei ned kommer man til denne
terrassen. Her er det en liten butikk.


Den første Peterskirken ble bestilt av keiser Konstantin og sto ferdig i 349 e.Kr.
På 1400-tallet begynte den å rase sammen, så i 1506 la pave Julius II
til en ny kirke. Det tok over hundre år å bygge kirken.
Bilde: Messe på Petersplassen søndag 29. september 2013)

Gregorio XIII in Basilica di San Pietro.  Fra Peterskirken   (29.9.2013)

The tomb of Pope Gregory XIII in
St Peter's is one of Rusconi's

Like most such memorials
in the early eighteenth century,
it is subscribed to the basic
formula of Algardi's tomb of
Leo XI, albeit with Berninesque
touches. Religion looks up to
the figure of the Pope giving
benediction as Fortitude lifts
the massive drapery to reveal
a sarcophagus with a relief
commemorating the Gregorian
emendation of the calendar.
Despite the ostensible religious
context of the monument, its
focal point remained
the Pope as enlightened
reformer rather than spiritual
Pope Gregory VIII (Latin: Gregorius VIII; c. 1100/1105 – 17 December 1187),
born Alberto di Morra, reigned from 25 October to his death in 1187.

Utsikten fra kuppelen på Peterskirken

Denne brømte

ble ferdig i 1499 da

var bare 25 år.

En kopi av skulpturen
står i katedralen i
St. Paul, Minnesota

Bydel Janiculum
Med sin utsikt over Tevere fra Trasteveresiden av elven har Janiculum ofte spilt en rolle i
forsvaret av byen. Siste gang var i 1849 da Garibaldi holdt tilbake de angripende franske styrkene. Parken som ligger på toppen av høyden, er fylt med monumenter over Garibaldi
og hans menn. Parken er et svært populært sted for spaserturer, og den tilbyr et
kjærkomment pustehull fra de tettpakkede gatene i Trastevere.

Du finner ofte dukketeatere og annen underholdning for barn der. I middelalderen var
det meste av høyden opptatt av nonne- og munkeklostere. I klosteret San Pietro in
Montorio bygde Bramante sitt miniatyrmesterverk Tempietto. I renessansen ble også områdenen mot elvebredden bygd ut langs Via della Lungara, og der bygde de rike og
mektige slike store og vakre hus som Villa Farnesina.
(Fra Gyldendals Reiseguider, Roma)

The Janiculum, occasionally the Janiculan Hill, is a hill in western Rome, Italy.
Although it is the second-tallest hill (the tallest being Monte Mario) in the
contemporary city of Rome, the Janiculum does not figure among the proverbial
Seven Hills of Rome, being west of the Tiber and outside the boundaries of the
ancient city.
Ancient history and mythology
The Janiculum was a center for the cult of the god Janus: its position overlooking the
city made it a good place for augurs to observe the auspices.
In Roman mythology, Janiculum is the name of an ancient town founded by the god
Janus (the two-faced god of beginnings). In Book VIII of the Aeneid by Virgil
(Publius Vergilius Maro), King Evander shows Aeneas (the Trojan hero of this epic poem)
the ruins of Saturnia and Janiculum on the Capitoline Hill near the Arcadian city of
Pallanteum (the future site of Rome) . Virgil uses these ruins to stress the significance
of the Capitoline Hill as the religious center of Rome.
According to Livy, the Janiculum was incorporated into ancient Rome during the time of king Ancus Marcius to prevent an enemy from occupying it. It was fortified by a wall, and
a bridge was built across the Tiber to join it to the rest of the city.
During the war between Rome and Clusium in 508 BC, it is said that the forces of Lars Porsena occupied the Janiculum and laid siege to Rome.
The water mills
The Aurelian Walls were continued up the hill by the emperor Aurelian
(reigned AD 270–275) to include the water mills used to grind grain to provide bread
flour for the city. The mills were supplied from an aqueduct, where it plunged down a
steep hill. Thus the site resembles Barbegal, although excavations in the late 1990s
suggest that they may have been undershot rather than overshot in design (i. e. with
the stream entering at the bottom of the wheel, not the top). The mills were in use in
AD 537, when the Goths besieging the city cut off their water supply. But they were
later restored and may have remained in operation until at least the time of Pope
Gregory IV (827–844).
Janiculum - Wikipedia    (25. april 2022)

Utsikt fra Piazzale Giuseppe Garibaldi i Janiculum.
Vi gikk hit opp fra Vatikanet. På plassen kjøpte vi kaffe og is,
før vi gikk ned til Trastevere.

From Janiculum Promenade you can enjoy one of the most evocative views of the historic
centre of Rome. It consists of two large avenues with plane trees, bordering Villa Aurelia,
which meet in Piazzale Garibaldi. Then, they continue as a single road that descends in
hairpin bends towards the church of Sant'Onofrio, built to complete the Promenade in 1939.

The area was the scene of the heroic events of the fighters for the Roman Republic in 1849.
In 1883, it was dedicated to the memory of the Defence of Rome and transformed into a
public promenade by the new Italian institutions.

At the edges of the avenues are 84 busts of illustrious Garibaldi's soldiers. Among the main monuments are the equestrian statue by Emilio Gallori dedicated to Giuseppe Garibaldi,
the equestrian monument to Anita Garibaldi -

- made by Mario Rutelli in the 1930s - and the lighthouse donated by the community
of Italians in Argentina, on the occasion of the
50th anniversary of the Italian Unification and to celebrate Rome as the capital.

Since 1904, under the Belvedere del Gianicolo, every day at 12 o'clock, three soldiers
load a blank howitzer and fire a shot. The cannon shot tradition dates back to Pius IX,
who instituted this service in 1846 to avoid time confusion. Before moving to the
Janiculum, the cannon fired from the towers of Castel Sant'Angelo and then from
Monte Mario.

Beyond the Gianicolense walls is Monteverde, a residential area full of stately villas and
elegant buildings where you can take a pleasant walk.
Janiculum Hill | Turismo Roma   (25. april 2022)

Karl Martin på toppen
av Jaiculum.

Like ved står det store
som ble reist
i 1895.
Denne monumentalfontenen er bygd
til minne om gjenåpningen i 1612 av en akvedukt som opprinnelig ble bygd av
keiser Trajan i 109 e. Kr.
Akvedukten ble omdøpt til dell´Acqua
Paola etter Paul V,  Borghese-paven som
ga ordre om restaureringen.

Da fontenen ble bygd hadde den fem
små bassenger, men i 1690 endret Carlo
Fontana utseende og la til det store
bassenget man ser i dag. Til tross for
mange lover for å hindre dem har
generasjoner av romere brukt det
praktiske ferskvannsbassenget til
bading og vask av grønnsaker.

(Gyldendals reiseguider)
Fontana dell´Acqua Paola i Janiculum

Janiculum står minnersmerket over:
Ana Maria de Jesus Ribeira. Mest kjent som Anita Garabaldi.
Gift med Giuseppe Garabaldi.
Fra plakat ved monumentet: An event during the war fought for freedom and
independence of the Rio Grand do Sul Republic; whilst Garabaldi was away,

his camp was suddenly attacked and stormed during the night. Anita managed
to escape capture by jumping onto a horse and galloping away with her baby
who had been born a few days before.  (27.9.201

Trastevere is a picturesque medieval area located on the west bank of the Tiber.
The area escaped the grand developments which changed the face of central
Rome, and is a charming place to wander, eat or relax.

Trastevere (TrasTEVeh-ray)is named for its position 'over the Tiber'. Separated from the
heart of central Rome by the river, the area retained its narrow lanes and working-class population when the rest of Rome began its nineteenth-century expansion.
Tourists are charmed by Trastevere, although they descend in numbers which slightly
obscure the area's personality.
From being the last surviving pocket of earthy medieval Rome, the neighbourhood has
also become unique in Rome in attracting a crowd of young crusty-locked foreign
beggars, buskers and alcoholics. Internet cafes are side-by-side with gloomy ancient
premises of uncertain function, and you can choose from trendy bars and traditional
chocolate shops. Still, despite the influx of foreign money, Trastevere still maintains a
strong local identity
The heart of Trastevere is Piazza di Santa Maria in Trastevere, a pedestrianised square
piazza lined with restaurants and pricey bars, faded palazzi, and the church of Santa
Maria in Trastevere. The steps surrounding the pretty central fountain are a popular
hang-out spot for a non-typical crowd (watch out for unwashed jugglers).
Heading up the lane to the right of the church, and choosing one of the right-hand
turnings, you enter into the maze of narrow lanes at Trastevere's heart. Plants scramble
down walls from garden terraces, washing hangs out to dry, and chipped Virgin Marys
look down from shrines on street corners.
The streets close to the river and south of Viale Trastevere are much quieter and there
are several unpretentious restaurants where you can enjoy a peaceful meal at an
outdoors table. The church of Santa Cecilia in Trastevere is one of Rome's more
interesting churches. The statue by the altar is based on the body of the patron saint of
music, martyred St. Cecilia, which was found undecayed in her coffin in the
sixteenth-century. From here, it's a short walk to visit the Isola Tiberina   (Tiber Island).

Gate i Trastevere

Trastevere er en stor attraksjon hele året på grunn av restaurantene,
klubben og kinoene, men også på grunn av den pittoreske labyrinten av
smale, brosteinsbelagte gater og smug.

Piazza Santa Maria in Trastevere, møteplassen for backpackere.    (19.10.2008)

Det er mange små kafeer i Trastevere. Her venter Karl Martin på servering.
Fra kirken Santa Maria in Trastevere

St. Anthony of Padua, a Franciscan monk who is
 frequently shown holding the child Jesus
Santa Maria in

Denne basilikaen som
sannsynligvis var den
første som ble bygd for
offisiell kristen
gudsdyrkelse i Roma,
ble sentrum for

Ifølge legenden ble
kirken bygd av pave
Callixtus I på 200-tallet
da kristendommen
fremdeles var en

Dagens kirke er
fra 1100-tallet.
Gyldendals reiseguider

Ponte Sisto over Tevere med Peterskirken i bakgrunnen   (2.10.2007)
Bydel Campo de Fiori (17.10.2008)

Campo de' Fiori (omtrent: Blomsterfeltet, eller Blomsterenga – misvisende er
navnet blitt oppfattet som Blomstermarkedet, fordi plassen i dag huser et
marked, som blant annet selger blomster. Men i virkeligheten stammer
navnet fra overgangen mellom middelalder og renessanse, den gang plassen
var en blomstereng i utkanten av bebyggelsen.) er en plass sentralt i Roma,
i bydelen Parione, øst for Tiberen.
I det gamle Roma var dette et ubebygd og ubrukt område mellom
Pompeius' teater og Tiberen, som ofte flommet over og innover til dette
strøket. Selv om Orsiniene etablerte seg på sørflanken av området på
1200-tallet forble det uutviklet frem til 1400-tallet.'_Fiori


Tevere i Roma

Elva er 405 km lang. Den kommer fra Appenninene og renner ut i
Middelhavet ved Ostia, Romas havneby.


Is er godt, og den
italienske isen er
jo regnet
blant de beste.

Her er vi på
Isola Tiberina,
øya i elva Tiber.

The Tiber Island (Italian: Isola Tiberina, Latin: Insula Tiberina) is the only
 island in the
Tiber river which runs through Rome. Tiber island is located in
the southern bend of the Tiber.

The island is boat-shaped, approximately 270 m long and 67 m wide,
and has been connected with
bridges to both sides of the river since antiquity.
Being a seat of the ancient temple of Asclepius and
later a hospital,
the island is associated with medicine and healing.

The island has been linked to the rest of Rome by two bridges since antiquity,
and was once called
Insula Inter-Duos-Pontes which means "the island
between the two bridges". The
Ponte Fabricio, the only original bridge in Rome,
connects the island from the northeast to the Field of Mars in the
(left bank). The Ponte Cestio, of which only some original parts
survived, connects
the island to Trastevere on the south (right bank).

Ponte Fabbricio

Broa ble bygd i 62 f. Kr. og er den eldste broa over Tevere
som fremdeles er i bruk.




Vi har vært ved Area Sacra dell Argentina (2007)

Largo di Torre Argentina is a square in Rome, Italy, that hosts four
Republican Roman temples, and the remains of Pompey's Theatre.
It is located in the ancient Campus Martius.
The name of the square comes from the Torre Argentina, which takes
its name from the city of Strasbourg, whose Latin name was
Argentoratum. In 1503, the Papal Master of Ceremonies Johannes
Burckardt, who came from Strasbourg and was known as "Argentinus",
built in via del Sudario a palace (now at number 44),
called Casa del Burcardo, to which the tower i annexed.

Bydel: Aventin

Aventinerhøyden (latin Mons Aventinus) er en av Romas sju høyder,
beliggende sørvest for Palatinerhøyden ved Tiberen.

Under den romerske republikken var kollen en folkelig bydel, bebodd av
plebeiere, men kom seinere å bli et eksklusivt bostedsområde med store
villaer, templer og luksuriøse badeinrettninger.
På Aventinerhøyden blei det feira blant annet ekstatiske fester til ære for
Bacchus. I løpet av middelalderen blei Aventinerhøyden avfolka og den
har fram til i dag blitt dominert av klostre og hager.

Til Aventinerhøydenss mer kjente bygninger regnes kirkene Santa Sabina,
Sant'Alessio, Santa Prisca fra tidlig kristendom, samt den moderne kirken
Sant'Anselmo. Dessuten bør man nevne Malteserordenens sete og dens
kirke Santa Maria del Priorato.
På Lille Aventinerhøyden ligger blant annet kirken San Saba.

Blant Aventinerhøydens antikke levninger kan nevnes Dianas tempel,
samt rester av Serviusmuren.

Santa Maria in Cosmedin

Kirken ble bygget på 500-tallet
på stedet der byens gamle
matvaremarked lå.

I veggen på kirken finner vi:
Bocca della Verita
(sannhetens munn)
i Santa Maria in Cosmedin.
Den kan ha vært et kloakkdeksel
fra før 300-tallet f.Kr.
I middelalderen trodde man at
de kraftige kjevene ville lukke
seg over hånden til den som
løy med hånden
inne i munnen.

(Gyldendals reiseguider)

Bydel Capitol


The Capitoline Hill (/ˈkæpɨtəlaɪn/ or /kəˈpɪtɵlaɪn/; Latin: Collis Capitōlīnus),
between the Forum and the Campus Martius, is one of the seven hills of Rome.
It was the citadel (equivalent of the ancient Greek acropolis) of the earliest
Romans. The name capitol seems to have meant "dominant height", although
ancient tradition places its origin in caput ("skull": a specific skull found
while laying the Temple of Jupiter foundation). By the 16th century,
Capitolinus had become Capitolino in Italian, with the alternative
Campidoglio stemming from Capitolium, one of the three major spurs of the
Capitolinus (the others being Arx and Tarpeius). The English word capitol
derives from Capitoline. The Capitoline contains few ancient ground-level
ruins, as they are almost entirely covered up by Medieval and Renaissance
palaces (now housing the Capitoline Museums) that surround a piazza, a
significant urban plan designed by Michelangelo.

Karl Martin på Capitol
Huset  er Palazzo Senatorio. Det ble brukt av det romerske senatet fra rundt
1100-tallet. I dag inneholder det kontorene til borgermesteren.
Trappa heter Cordonata og er tegnet av Michelangelo.


The Basilica of Santa Maria in Aracoeli is
found very close to the Altare della Patria
and is one of the most cherished churches by
Rome’s inhabitants. The temple is also
renowned because it houses the Santo
Bambino of Aracoeli, a wooden figure of the
Child Jesus, which is said to be miraculous.
Located south of the Capitoline Hill, Santa
Maria in Aracoeli was built during the sixth
century on the site of an ancient Byzantine
abbey. During the ninth century the church
was given to the Benedictines, and a few
centuries later, was given to the Franciscans.
These restored the church giving it a more
Gothic aspect.
In 1797, during the Republic, the church was
deconsecrated and transformed into a stable.
Nowadays, the basilica has been fully
reconstructed and is one of the most visited
in Rome.
The interior
Millions of tourists and locals visit the
church to see the Santo Bambino of
Aracoeli, a wooden image of the Christ
Child, who is believed to resurrect the
The statue, made out of olive
wood during the fifteenth century,
was stolen in 1994 and was never
recovered. A replica
was made to substitute it.

The temple has 22 columns, none
exactly alike, which were taken
from Roman ruins.
It is also worth seeing various
burials and frescoes from the
fifteenth century.
The wooden ceiling is decorated
with paintings representing the
Battle of Lepanto, where the
Holy League defeated the fleet
of the Ottoman Empire.

Aracoeli staircase
The Aracoeli staircase was
completed in 1348 to celebrate
the end of the Black Death in
Rome. It is a marble staircase
made up of 124 steep steps
that finish at the entrance of
Santa Maria in Aracoeli.
It is believed that all those
who climb the stairs on their
knees will win the lottery.
In the heart of the city
The Basilica of Santa Maria in
Aracoeli is extremely well
located, in the heart of
the city, near the Altare
della Patria.
Therefore, stopping for a
quick visit is very popular
among visitors.
Santa Maria in Aracoeli - Santo Bambino
of Aracoeli (    (25. april 2022)

Roma-maraton. Her passerer de
Victor Emmanuelmonumentet.



Victor Emmanuel monomentet. Bygget ble innviet i 1911 til ære for
Victor Emmanuel II av Savoia, den første kongen i et samlet Italia. 

Veteranbilutstilling ved Victor Emmanuelmonumentet.
Her står en Ferrari 1904 ferdig pakket for skitur.  (18.10.2008)

Bydel Forum

Forum Romanum var sentrum for Romas religiøse og offentlige
med senatet, domstoler og templer liggende lang datidens mest
berømte gate, Via Sacra. Det var langs Via Sacra triumftogene opp til
Kapitol fant sted.

Forum Romanum ligger i dalen mellom Kapitol og Palatin, og her
finnes byggverk som:

  • Konstantinbasilikaen
  • Titusbuen (Bildet til høyre)
  • Romulustempelet
  • Vesta tempelet
  • Vestalinnenes hus
  • Santa Maria Antiqua
  • Antonius og Faustina tempelet

Forum Romanum
Forum Romanum med Palatinerhøyden i bakgrunnen.
På Palatinhøyden ligger ruinene av Domus Flavia og Domus Augustana og
to deler av Domitians enorme palass fra slutten av det første århundre e.Kr.


Forum Romanum sett fra Capitol (april 2015)

Forum var sentrum for det politiske, kommersielle og
juridiske livet i det gamle Roma.

Forum Romanum  1.10.2007

Colosseum en dag med regn og vind.
Colosseum ble bygd av keiser Vespasian i år 72 e.Kr.
  (bilde 9.3.2010)

Geir og Karl Martin utenfor Colosseum.   (27.9.2013)

Geir og Grete på Colosseum  (27.9.2013)

Colosseum, eller
amfiteater i Roma, sørøst
for Forum, nær det gamle
Romas sentrum;
siden 700-tallet er Colosseum
det alminnelige navn på Det
flaviske amfiteater.
Det er verdens største
amfiteater og rommet ca.
50 000 tilskuere.
Påbegynt av keiser
Vespasian og fullført under
hans sønn Titus 80 e. Kr.
Det er til alle tider blitt
betraktet som et av verdens
mest imponerende
arkitektoniske byggverker
og et mesterverk av
klassisk byggekunst.

Colosseum 27.9.2013

Fra Septimius Severusbuen på Forum RomanumBuen ble reist i 203 e.Kr.


Konstantinbuen ved Colosseum
Buet ble innviet i 315 e.Kr for å feire Konstantins seier tre år tidligere
over hans medkeiser Maxentius.

Trajans marked
Markedet ble i sin tid regnet blant underverkene i den klassiske verden.
Keiser Trajan og hans arkitekt Apollodorus fra Damaskus bygde dette visjonære
nye komplekset med 150 butikker og kontorer tidlig på 100-tallet e.Kr.

Trajans marked april 2015
Trajans marked april 2015

Gammel og ny metro i Roma.
De er god plass midt på dagen,
og utrolig trangt i rushtida
som varer langt utover



Bydel Palatin

The Palatine Hill (Latin: Collis Palatium or Mons Palatinus; Italian: Palatino, IPA: [päläˈt̪iːno])
is the centermost of the Seven Hills of Rome and is one of the most ancient parts of the city.
It stands 40 metres above the Forum Romanum, looking down upon it on one side, and upon
the Circus Maximus on the other.

It is the etymological origin of the word "palace" and its cognates in other
languages (Italian "Palazzo", French "Palais", German "Palast", etc.)

According to Roman mythology, the Palatine Hill was the location of the cave, known as the Lupercal, where Romulus and Remus were found by the she-wolf Lupa that kept them alive. According to this legend, the shepherd Faustulus thereafter found the infants, and with his
wife Acca Larentia raised the children.
When they were older, the boys killed their great-uncle (who seized the throne from their grandfather), and they both decided to build a new city of their own on the banks of the River Tiber. Suddenly, they had a violent argument with each other and in the end Romulus killed
his twin brother Remus. This is how "Rome" got its name - from Romulus. Another legend to
occur on the Palatine is Hercules' defeat of Cacus after the monster had stolen some cattle. Hercules struck Cacus with his characteristic club so hard that it formed a cleft on the
southeast corner of the hill, where later a staircase bearing the name of Cacus was constructed.

Fra Palatin mot Colosseum  (27.9.2013)

Santa Anastasia
was built in the late 3rd century - early 4th century, possibly by a Roman woman named Anastasia. The church is listed under the titulus Anastasiae in the acts of
the 499 synod. Later the church was entitled to the martyr with the same name, Anastasia
of Sirmium.

The church was restored several times: Pope Damasus I (366-383), Pope Hilarius (461-468),
Pope John VII (705-707), Pope Leo III (795-816), and Pope Gregory IV (827-844). The
current church dates back to the 17th century restoration commissioned by Pope Urban VII.

Traditionally, the church is connected to the cult of St Jerome, who possibly
celebrated mass here. The saint is depicted over the altar, by Domenichino.

The last restoration, after the restoration during the papacy of Sixtus IV, occurred in 1636,
when the facade, with lower doric and upper ionic order, was reconstructed in 1636, after
the cyclone of 1634. The nave recycles antique columns. The ceiling is frescoed with a
martyrdom of the saints (1722) by Michelangelo Cerruti.The chapel to the right, has a
painting of St. John the Baptist by Pier Francesco Mola. While the last chapel on the right
has a fresco of Scenes of the life of Saints Carlo Borromeo and Filippo Neri by Lazzaro Baldi.
The right transept has a painting of S.Toribio (1726) by Francesco Trevisani. The high altar
has a Nativity by Lazzaro Baldi and below the altar is a statue of Saint Anastasia by Ercole Ferrata. It clearly shows the influence of Bernini's Beata Ludovica Albertoni.'Anastasia_al_Palatino

The left transept has a
Madonna of the
Rosary by Baldi,
and the tomb of Cardinal
and philologist
Angelo Mai by the late
neoclassical sculptor
Giovanni Maria Benzoni.
The last chapel to the left,
by Domenichino depicts a
St. Jerome.
The other chapel has a
Ss.Giorgio e Publio by
Etienne Parrocel.

Virgin Mary ceramic statue
from basilica di Santa
Anastasia  (april 2015)

Bydel Caracalla

Celianhøyden har utsikt over Colosseum og har sitt navn etter Caelius Vibenna,
den legendariske helten fra kampen mot tarquinerne (omkr år 600 f. Kr).
I keisertiden var det et fasjonabelt boligstrøk, og noe av den gamle prakten er
fremdeles tydelig i de kjempestore ruinene av Caracallas termer.

Takket være den arkeologiske sonen som ble opprettet tidlig på 1900-tallet,
er det herlig fredelig område, en grønn lunge fra Aurelians mur til sentrum
av byen.
Den brosteinsbelagte Via di Porta San Sebastiano-delen av den gamle Via Appia
går gjennom området. Den fører til Porta San Sebastiano, en av de best bevarte
portene i den gamle bymuren
(Bilder under Via Appia)
Fra Gyldendahls reiseguider, Roma

  Caracallas termer april 2015

Caracallas termer

Completed by Emperor Caracalla
in AD 217, the baths functioned
for about 300 years, until the
plumbing was destroyed by
invading Goths.
Over 1,600 bathers at a time
could enjoy the facilities.
A Roman bath was a serious
business, beginning with a sort
of Turkish bath, followed
by a spell in the caldarium, a
large hot room with pools of
water to provide humidity.

Then came the lukewarm
tepidarium, a visit to the large
central meeting place, known
as the frigidarium, and finally
a plunge into the natatio, an
open-air swimming pool.
For the rich, this was followed
by a rubdown with
scented woollen cloth.


Caracallas termer april 2015

As well as the baths, there were spaces for exercise, libraries, art galleriesand
gardens - a true leisure centre. Most of the rich marble decorations of the baths
were removed by the Farnese family in the 16th century to adorn the interior
of Palazzo Farnese.

In imperial times the Celio developed
into an exclusive area where rich
families lived in large villas with
gardens. When the 17-year-old
Emperor Nero came to the throne,
he erected a temple on the Celio's
slopes dedicated to his predecessor,
Claudius (in whose death he may
have had a hand). Foundations and
arches from the temple can still be
seen to the west of the Via Claudia,
just above the Colosseum.

The church itself, dedicated to
Saints John and Paul, was begun in
the fourth century and modified
many times since then. The interior
now is an elegant eighteenth-century
confection, lit by chandeliers,
although plenty of evidence of the
church's history can also be seen.
The site was the home of a Roman
senator, who converted to
Christianity and had his home
turned into a place of worship.
The church is closed at lunchtimes.

An elegant gateway off the little
piazza opposite the church opens
onto Villa Celimontana,
one of Rome's nicest parks.

Santi Giovanni e Paolo
(april 2015)

Santi Giovanni e Paolo
is an ancient basilica church in Rome, located
on the Celian Hill. It is also called Santi Giovanni e Paolo al Celio or
referred to as SS Giovanni e Paolo.

The church was built in 398, by will of senator Pammachius, over the
home of two Roman soldiers, John and Paul, martyred under
Julian in 362. The church was thus called the Titulus Pammachii and
is recorded as such in the acts of the synod held by Pope Symmachus
in 499.
The church was damaged during the sack by Alaric I (410) and because
of an earthquake (442), restored by Pope Paschal I (824), sacked again
by the Normans (1084), and again restored, with the addition of a
monastery and a bell tower.
It is home to the Passionists and is the burial place of St. Paul of the Cross.
Additionally, it is the station church of the first Friday in Lent.

San Gregorio Magno al Celio, also k
nown as San Gregorio al Celio or simply
San Gregorio, is a church in Rome, Italy,
which is part of a monastery of monks
of the Camaldolese branch of the
Benedictine Order.
St. Augustine of Canterbury and his
Benedictines were sent by Pope
Gregory I to evangelize England in
597 AD. The 1,100th anniversary
of the founding of their order was
celebrated here at an evening
Lenten Vespers service on
Saturday, March 10, 2012

It was attended by Anglican
and Catholic prelates, and
was jointly led by Pope
Benedict XVI, and
Rowan Williams, Archbishop
of Canterbury. It is located
on the Caelian Hill, in front
of the Palatine.
Next to the basilica and
monastery is a convent of
nuns and a homeless
shelter run by the order
Blessed Mother Teresa of
Calcutta founded, the
Missionaries of Charity.

Hester på veggen
ved kirken
Santi Giovanni
e Paolo

Santa Maria in Domnica   Vi var der april 2015

The church was built in ancient times, close to the barracks of the 5th Cohort
of the Roman Vigiles on the Caelian Hill. The church is mentioned in the
records of a synod held by Pope Symmachus in 499. In the year 678, it was
one of seven churches assigned to deacons by Pope Agatho.
The church was rebuilt from 818-822 by Pope Paschal I, who is credited with
Rome's early 9th century age of renovation and artistic splendour, had the
church rebuilt in 818-822, providing it with noteworthy mosaic decoration.
The interior of the church was extensively modified in the 16th century by
the Medici family, who were the cardinal holders of the archdiaconate
through much of this period.
In 1513, Cardinal Giovanni di Lorenzo de' Medici, shortly before he became
Pope Leo X, with Andrea Sansovino added the façade portico with Tuscan
columns and the fountain.
He was followed by Giulio di Giuliano de 'Medici, the future Pope
Clement VII from 1513-1517. Giovanni de' Medici became cardinal-deacon
at the age of 17 in 1560, but died in 1562. He was followed by his brother
Ferdinando I de' Medici, who also became Grand Duke of Tuscany. He added
the coffered ceiling of the basilica during his tenure.


I middelalderen var Lateranpalasset paveresidens, og prakten i basilikaen
San Giovanni ved siden av var på høyde med Peterskirkens.

Etter pavenes tilbakekomst fra Avignon mot slutten av 1300-tallet mistet
området sin betydning. Pilegrimene forsatte å besøke San Giovanni og
Santa Croce in Gerusalemme, men området fortsatte å være ganske tynt

Gamle klostre  slumret blant hager og vinmarker helt frem til
Roma ble Italias hovedstad i 1870 og området ble regulert med et nettverk
av boliggater for å ta imot den store strømmen av nykommere.

Den arkeologiske interessen er særlig knyttet til Aurelians mur og ruinene
av Neros akvedukt.

Fra Gyldendahls reiseguider, Roma

According to an ancient Christian tradition,
Saint Helena (†335), the mother of
Constantine, had the stairs transported from Pontius Pilate’s palace in Jerusalem to Rome.
It is believed that Jesus climbed these stairs several times the day he was sentenced to
death, thus, they are known as the “Scala
Pilati” or “Scala Sancta”
Holy Stairs or Pilate’s Stairs). The first
written testimonies to this renowned memory
of the Passion are found in a passage from the Liber Pontificalis dating from the time of
Sergius II (844-847) and in a Papal Bull
issued by Pope Pascal II (1099-1119).
It is also known that the stairs were originally placed in the complex of the Lateran Palaces (Patriarchium), the ancient seat of the Papacy. Under the supervision of Sixtus V in 1589, the stairs were placed in front of the Sancta Sanctorum, creating the core of the Sanctuary that can be seen today. The Sanctuary was restored by Pius IX (1846-78) and an
adjoining convent was built and entrusted to the

Passionist Fathers on February 24, 1853. Following the example of many saints and
illustrious and devoted men and women before him, Pope Pius IX climbed the stairs many
times throughout his lifetime, until the eve of the capture of Rome and his voluntary
reclusion in the Vatican in 1870. The Sanctuary, as part of the Holy See, according to the
1929 Lateran pact between Mussolini and the Roman Catholic Church, has the all the
rights of extraterritoriality.
The Holy Stairs | Santuario della Scala Santa e Sancta Sanctorum (   (26. april 2022)

Bueganger ved San Giovanni in Laterano.
De ble bygd rundt 1220 av
Vassallettofamilen og bemerkeslesverdige
på grunn av de vridde tvillingsøylene og
innlagte marmormosaikker.
Gyldendals reiseguider, Roma(10.3.2010)
Nærbilde av en av søylene

San Giovanni in Laterano
Kirken er bygget tidlig på 300-tallet,
men oppbygd flere ganger, siste
gang på 1700-tallet.
Før  paven flyttet til Avignon i 1309,
var det tilståtende Lateranpalasset
den offisielle paveresidensen, og
fram til 1870 ble alle paver
kronet i kirken. Paven er biskop av
Roma og her i byens hovedkatedral
holder han skjærtorsdagsmesse og er tilstede ved den årlige velsignelsen av
Triclinio Leoniano er en bit
av veggen og en mosaikk
fra spisesalen til
pave Leo III fra 700-tallet

(Gyldendals reiseguider)

(bilde 10.3.2010)

I  Lateran har vi også vært i Santa Croce in Gerusalemme.

The Basilica of the Holy Cross in Jerusalem is in Rome, in Esquilino neighbourhood,
at the vertex of three street: street Carlo Felice, street Santa Croce in Gerusalemme and
street Eleniana. The church is one the Seven Pilgrims Churches of Rome.
Between the III and IV century a.C. the emperor Costantine and his mother Helena
adapted a large room in the imperial palace Sessorium to be a church. That's the
reason why Santa Croce is also called Basilica Heleniana or Sessoriana.
In VIII century the basilica was restored by pope Gregorio II and Adriano I, but in XII
century, with pope Lucio II underwent a radical modification, according to the
Romanesque style, with the subdivisions in three parts, a nave and two aisles, and the
adding of a belfry and porch, the latter no more existing.
The current appearance is from XVIII century, under the reign of Pope Benedetto XIV,
who was, before his election, the cardinal priest of the basilica. Architects Pietro
Passalacqua and Domenico Gregorini built a late Baroque façade and an elliptical
atrium. From 1370 to 1561 a Chartusian monastery was next to the basilica. 
Basilica of the Holy Cross in Jerusalem - Rome (    (26. april 2022)

vi har også sett "bakerens grav"

The tomb of Marcus Vergilius Eurysaces the baker is one of the largest
and best-preserved freedman funerary monuments in Rome. Its sculpted
frieze is a classic example of the "plebeian style" in Roman sculpture.
Eurysaces built the tomb for himself and perhaps also his wife Atistia
around the end of the Republic (ca. 50-20 BC).
Bydel Esquilin
I September 2013 bodde vi på hotel Champagne Palace.
Hotellet ligger like ved Termini og med gangavstand til de fleste mest kjente
severdigheter. Et helt greit hote
llet. Spisesalen ligger i 7. etasje med fin utsikt
over Roma.
  (Bildet er tatt 23.9.2013)
April 2015 bodde vi på det samme hotellet.

Esquilin er den største og høyeste av Romas syv høyder.
I keisertiden var de vestlie skråningene med utsikt over Forum dekket av
det overfylte slumområdet Suburra. På østsiden var det noen få villaer som
ble eid avav slike velstående borgere som Maecenas, som var kunstmesen
og rådgiver for Augustus. Stedet har beholdt det grunnleggende preget
gjennom to årtusener, og det er fremdeles et av de fattigere kvarterene i

I dag er området sterkt utbygd, bortsett fra en temmelig lurvete park på
Colle Oppio, en mindre høyde sør for Esquilin. Der kan du se restene av
badene til Titus, badene til Trajan og Domus Aurea, Neros gylne hus.
Men det som er mest interessant i bydelen, er kirkene. Mange av dem er
blitt bygd på tomtene til private hus der de kristne møttes til hemmelige
 gudstjenester på den tiden da religion var forbudt.

(Gyldendals reiseguider)


The Basilica di Santa Maria Maggiore
is an ancient Catholic basilica that is
considered to be the largest of the
churches dedicated to the Virgin Mary
in Rome.
It is one of the city’s four major basilicas.
Basilica di Santa Maria Maggiore -
The ancient church in Rome    (3. mai 2022)


Built on a pagan temple dedicated to the goddess Cybele, the Basilica of Santa Maria Maggiore was built in the mid-fourth century under the orders of Pope Liberius.
According to legend, the Virgin appeared before the Pope with the instructions for
building the church, and the shape of the floor was designed based on a miraculous
Over the years, the basilica has had many different names, such as Saint Mary of the Snow (due to snow that led to the church’s shape), Santa Maria Liberiana (for Pope Liberius), St. Mary of the Nativity (because it received a relic of the Holy Nativity), and
it was finally called Santa Maria Maggiore, as it is the largest of the 26 churches in Rome dedicated to the Virgin Mary.

Probably the most striking aspect of the Basilica Santa Maria Maggiore is the different
parts belonging to such varied periods of history. As if it were made up of remnants, the church summarizes the most important stages of Christian art in Rome.
Basilica di Santa Maria Maggiore - The ancient church in Rome     (26. april 2022)

Villa Borghese er i utkanten av Roma
I Villaen er det nå galleri.

Parken ble anlagt av kardinal Scipione Borghese.
Han fikk huset bygget for adspredelser og underholdning.

Scipione åpnet også sin fornøyelsespark for publikum.

Kardinalen var også en ekstravagant beskytter av kunsten,
og skulpturene han bestilte fra den unge Bernini,
rangerer nå blant hans mest berømte arbeider.


Borghese-parken 3.10.2007

Andre kunstnere som er nevnt:

Giuvanni Bellini, født ca 1430
Da vi var i Roma i 2008 var det utstilling av
Bellinis verker på
Scuderie del Quirinale

Jeg har nevnt Berninis navn flere ganger.
Her er mer om ham.
Giovanni Lorenzo Bernini
Fra Borgheseparken 3.10.2007

Roma_porta-San-Sebastiano        Via Appia Antica

Den gamle bymuren ved porta San Sebastiano.

Via Appia Antica ligger Capo di Bove.
Et arkeologisk område og en pen park med skulpturer.   (25.9.2013)

En av skulpturene på Capo di Bove

Via Appia Antica
La proma colonna
della via Appia

Vi var også en tur i San Sebastian-katakombene
(Bilde er fra Wikipedia)
En katakombe er en
underjordisk gang med
gravkamre i veggene.
Ordet kommer fra gresk
kata kumbas
(= ved dalsøkket), og var
et beskrivende navn på
St. Sebastians
katakomber i Roma.
Først på 1700-tallet fikk
ordet «katakombe»
kristen gravplass».

Vi besøkte også Celias grav,
It was built during the 1st century B.C to honor Caecilia Metella who was
the daughter of Quintus Caecilius Metellus Creticus, a Consul in 69 B.C, and
wife of Marcus Licinius Crassus, son of the famous Marcus Crassus who
served under Julius Caesar.

og kirkene San Sebastian og
Built originally in the first half of the 4th century, the basilica is dedicated to
St. Sebastian, a popular Roman martyr of the 3rd century. The name ad
catacumbas refers to the catacombs of St Sebastian, over which the church
was built, while "fuori le mura" refers to the fact that the church is built
outside the Aurelian Walls, and is used to differentiate the basilica from the
church of San Sebastiano al Palatino on the Palatine Hill

Quo Vadis
The church of the “Domine Quo Vadis” is one of the first churches located on the Via
Appia Antica, about 800 meters beyond Porta San Sebastiano. The Church has medieval
origins, but was rebuilt in 1600. It takes its name from the oral tradition according to
which the apostle Peter, fleeing from the city to avoid martyrdom, meets Jesus to whom
he addresses the following words “Domine quo vadis (Lord, where are you going)?” And
the Lord replied “Venio Romam iterum crucifigi (I am coming to Rome to be crucified
again)”. Peter, aware of the rebuke, turns back to face his destiny and Jesus disappears
but, in disappearing, he leaves the impressions of his footprints on the road.
As evidence of the incident, within the Church there is a stone with the imprints “of His
holy feet”,  left by Jesus precisely on the site where the Church now stands. The stone is
actually a copy: the original is in fact preserved in the Basilica of San Sebastiano. The
second name with which the church is known: Santa Maria “in Palmis” derives from
this episode.
CHIESA DOMINE QUO VADIS      (26. april 2022)

Rusling langs Via Appia Antica.(25.9.2013)

På vei til Via Appia gikk vi gjennom Porta San Sebastian

Porta San Sebastiano is the biggest and one of the best preserved gates in the
Aurelian Walls in Rome (Italy).
Its previous name, kept for a long time, was Porta Appia, as the gate was crossed
by the Appian Way, the regina viarum, that started, just a little farther, from Porta
Capena in the Servian Wall. During the Middle Ages probably it was also calles
Accia (or Dazza or Datia), a name whose etymology is quite uncertain, but arguably
associated with the little river Almone, called "acqua Accia", that flowed nearby.
A document dated 1434 calls it Porta Domine quo vadis.
The present name is attested only since the second half of 15th century,
due to the vicinity to the Basilica of San Sebastiano and its catacombs.

Vi venter på buss tilbake til sentrum (25.9.2013)
Garasjeanlegg like
ved hotellet vårt.


Veivisning på italiensk

Utflukter ut av Roma:
oktober 2008: Tivoli
mars 2010: Ostia Antica og Ostia Lido
september 2013: Firenze


I 2010 tok vi en tur til Ostia Antica og Ostia Lido.
Det er ca 1/2 time med metro og tog


Maske i Ostia Antica

Teatret i Ostia Antica (11.3.2010)

I republikkens tid var Ostia Antica Romas viktigste kommersielle havn
og en militærbase som forsvarte kystlinjen og utlæpet av Tevere.
Havnebyen fortsatte å blomstre gjennom hele keisertiden, til tross for
Portus, den nye havnen som på 100-tallet ble anlagt litt lenger mot nordvest.

Ostia Antica  (11.3.2010)

Romas Lido.
Ikke langt fra Ostia Antica ligger Romas strandområde, Ostia Lido.
Flott strand, men det var litt for kaldt til å bade da vi var der.


Ikke mye å gjøre på denne tiden
av året  (11.3.2010)

Karl Martin på Lido (11.3.2010)
Not far from the centre of Rome, Ostia is a residential area, the capital's beach and a
well-known "tourist port" with moorings for boats from 8-60 metres (26-197 ft) in length.

It also contains many Roman ruins, dating back to the days when Ostia served as Rome's
port (a function now taken over by Civitavecchia). Ostia Antica is one of Lazio's major
attractions, less crowded and, for some, more enjoyable than the ruins of Pompeii.

So if you can't make it down to Pompeii, don't worry: just head out to Ostia antica. Italy
might be a Catholic country, but you won't detect any religious conservatism in the
skimpy bikinis on display here. There's a carnival atmosphere with dance halls, cinemas,
and pizzerias. The Lido is set off best at Castelporziano, against a backdrop of pinewoods
which provide the summer residence of the President of Italy. This stretch of shoreline is
referred to as the Roman Riviera.

Tivoli, Hadrians villa i Tivoli

I 2008 tok vi en tur til Tivoli. Der besøkte vi Hadrians Villa og Villa d´este

Bildet over er fra Hadrians villa

som ble bygd som sommerlandsted mellom 118 og 134 e. Kr. (18.10.2008)
Fontene i Villa d´este.
Eiendommen ble bygd ut på 1500-tallet
av kardinal Ippolito d´este.
Fruktbarhetsgudinne i Villa d´Este,

Hagen til Villa d´este.   (18.10.2008)

Fontene i  Villa d´este i Tivoli  (18.10.2008)

Årets (2013) ut av Romatur gikk til Firenze
I 2015 ble det en ny tur til Firenze. Denne gangen ble vi i byen tre netter

Firenze (latin Florentia) er en by i provinsen med samme navn, og byen er
regionshovedstad i Toscana
i det nordlige Italia. Navnet kommer avlatin:
som betyr den blomstrende. Fra 1865 til 1870 var byen også
hovedstad i Kongedømmet Italia
Firenze ligger ved elven Arno
, som ligger på en slette ved foten av fjellkjeden
Den har omkring 400 000 innbyggere, innbefattet en forstadsbefolkning på i
overkant av 200 000 mennesker.

I 2013 var det litt for varmt,
i 2015 var det kaldt og
regn da vi kom til Firenze



To bilder av Ponte Veccio, Firenze  (24.9.2013)

To broer over Arno. Den bakerste er Ponte Vecchio (5.4.2015)

Ponte Vecchio og husrekka på sørsiden av elva (5.4.2015)

Domkirken i Firenze  (24.9.2013

The first stone of the new cathedral was laid on 8 September 1296, and the task of
erecting it was entrusted to Arnolfo di Cambio. His project was similar in plan but
smaller than the current building, which instead corresponds to the expansion
developed by Francesco Talenti, beginning in the mid-14th century. The church was
consecrated at completion of the dome, by Pope Eugenio IV, on 25 March 1436.
The Cathedral of Santa Maria del Fiore | The Opera del Duomo    (20. januar 2024)
En ung fotograf er klar til å ta bilde av
vogna som eksploderer (5.4.2015)

Noen følger med fra vinduene (5.4.2015)

On Easter Sunday every year, Florence celebrates the religious holiday in a very special way. The Scoppio del Carro, or the "Explosion of the Cart", dates back over 350 years.
An elaborate wagon built in 1622 and standing two to three stories high is pulled by a pair
of oxen decorated in garlands through the streets of Florence to the square between the Baptistry and Cathedral. This tradition finds its origins in events that are partly historic
and partly legendary.
A young Florentine named Pazzino, a member of the noble Pazzi family, apparently took
part in the First Crusade in the Holy Land in 1099, where he gave ample proof of his
courage (he was the first to scale the walls of Jerusalem and raise the Christian banner).
When he came home, he brought back three flints from the Holy Sepulchre that he
received for his act of courage. This reliquary, today preserved in the Church of SS. Apostoli,
lies behind the Florentine celebration for the Resurrection of Christ.

Today, the ceremony still bears a strong resemblance to the way in which it has been
celebrated for centuries. Starting around 10am, a priest rubs Pazzino’s three flints together until they spark and light the Easter candle; this, in turn, is used to light some coals which
are placed in a container on the Cart and the procession delivers the Holy Fire to the
Archbishop of Florence before Santa Maria del Fiore, better known as the Duomo.
The cart is accompanied by drummers, flag throwers and figures dressed in
historical costume as well as city officials and clerical representatives.

Vogna er kjørt fram, snart begynner fyrverkeriet. (5.4.2015)

Folk strømmer til Domkirkeplassen
fra alle sidegater. (5.4.2015)

Palazzo Vecchio (til høyre) (italiensk
for gammelt palass) er rådhuset i Firenze.
Dette massive fortet er blant de mest
imponerende rådhus i Toscana.
Det ligger ved Piazza della Signoria som
er en av de viktigste offentlige plasser i
Italia. Palasset rommer idag et museum
hvor blant annet verker av Agnolo
Bronzino, Michelangelo Buonarroti og
Giorgio Vasari befinner seg.
Foran inngangen er en kopi av
Michelangelos David til erstatning for
originalen som tidligere befant seg her.
Palasset ble opprinnelig kalt Palazzo
della Signoria, etter Signoria som var
navnet på det styrende rådet i Firenze
i likhet med flere andre italienske
stater i middelalderen.
Det har også hatt flere andre navn som
Palazzo del Popolo, Palazzo dei Priori
og Palazzo Ducale alt etter hva det
ble brukt til i løpet av sin lange historie.
Palazzo Vecchio

David utenfor Rådhuset (Palacio Veccio)
i Firenze. Dette er en kopi.
Orginalet er på
Galleria Accademia.(5.4.2015)

Via Corso i Firenze (24.9.2013)


Sykkel-VM i Firenze 2013

Dette er siste startende i dagens løp. (24.9.2

Piazza di Signoria. Firenze

Bildet til høyre: En del av Paradisporten

The Gates of Paradise is the main gate of the Baptistry of Florence (Battistero di San Giovanni), located in front of the Cathedral of Santa Maria del Fiore.
The Porta del Paradiso, in Italian, was created by Florentine goldsmith and sculptor
Lorenzo Ghiberti between 1425 and 1452 and installed in the eastern portal of the
The Gates have been praised by generations of artists and art historians for their
compelling portrayal of scenes from the Old Testament.
Over time, the seventeen-foot-tall, three-ton bronze doors became an icon of Renaissance,
one of the most famous works of art in the world.The workmanship of panels
demonstrates that the Florentine artists had mastered linear perspective and the classical idiom by the early 15th century. According to The Lives of the Artist by Giorgio Vasari, the door—once known just as the East Door—was named the Gates of Paradise by
Michelangelo Buonarroti because of its striking beauty.    (29.8.2019

Giardino di Boboli, grotta (6.4.2015)
Decorated internally and externally with stalactites and originally equipped with
waterworks and luxuriant vegetation, the Large Grotto is divided into three sections
decorated with remarkable examples of Mannerist sculptures.
The first one was frescoed to create the illusion of a natural grotto, a natural refuge
for shepherds to protect themselves from wild animals. It originally housed The
Prisoners by Michelangelo which are now in the Accademia Gallery. The third and
furthest hall in the grotto contains Giambologna's famous Bathing Venus and the
second section contains Paris and Helen by Vincenzo de' Rossi. These last two
chambers were created as the perfect setting for the secretive, amorous meetings of
the Duke Francesco I de’ Medici.

Giardino de Boboli, Neptunfontena (6.4.2015)
More than a garden, more than just a
“green lung” in Florence, the Boboli
gardens are one of the greatest
open-air museums in Florence that
embraces another site of culture in
Florence, the Pitti Palace. The park
hosts centuries-old oak trees, sculptures, fountains and offers peaceful shelter
from the warm Florentine sun in
summer, the beautiful colors of the
changing foliage in the fall and smells
of blooming flowers in the spring.
The Boboli gardens are a spectacular
example of "green architecture"
decorated with sculptures and the
prototype which inspired many
European Royal gardens, in
particular, Versailles

Utsikt fra Piazzale Michelangelo (6.4.2015)

Utsikt fra Piazzale Michelangelo (6.4.2015)

Designed in 1869 by Florentine architect Giuseppe Poggi, Piazzale Michelangelo offers
panoramic views of Florence and the Arno valley and is a popular spot with locals and tourists.
Chiantiområdet i Toscana. Bildet er tatt fra vingården Panzanello 6.4.2015

Chianti er absolutt det mest kjente
navnet i Toscana, og det er ingen
vinentusiast som ikke har hørt eller
smakt noen av disse røde vinene. De
har krysset en lang vei – fra å være en
vanlig vin, servert til spaghetti eller
annen pasta, til å bli eksklusive røde
viner som vanligvis serveres til
spesielle anledninger.

Vintønner på vingården Riseccoli

The Chianti area in Tuscany is one of the most beautiful in the whole region, as
well as the most well-known and appreciated by visitors from across the world.

The borders of the Chianti region are not clearly defined but in general it extends
over the provinces of Florence and Siena, covering all of the area between the two
cities and extending to the east toward the Valdarno and to the west to the
Val d'Elsa. The Chianti wine area extends further beyond the two cities, all
around Florence and even toward Arezzo, Pistoia and Montepulciano.

Solnedgang i Toscana 2013

På Piazza della Signoria 5.4.2015

The Nettuno (1575) by Ammannati celebrates the Medici's maritime ambitions
and Giambologna's equestrian statue of Duke Cosimo I (1595) is an elegant
portrait of the man who brought all of Tuscany under Medici military rule.

Piazza della Repubblica

Ferien avsluttes i Roma

Pizza servert på Piazza
della Repubblica

Romaturene avsluttes her på
Piazza della Repubblica

Vi besøker plassen ganske ofte ellers også.
Plassen kalles også Piazza Esedra, på grunn av formen til en eksedra
(et halvsirkelformet rom)


Tekst fra Gyldendals Reiseguider, Roma

tilbake til 1. side

                                           Firenze, solnedgang