Første etappe gikk fra Slemmestad via Bøveien til Heggedal, videre forbi Dikemark, Liertoppen til Sylling. I Sylling tok vi en lang rast. Vi sykla bortom kirken før vi kjørte videre mot Vikersund. |
![]() En liten hvilepause på Dikemark, ved Verkensvannet. |
![]() Sylling, med utsikt over Holsfjorden, en arm av Tyrifjorden |
![]() Fin rasteplass i Sylling. Sylling is located on Holsfjorden, the southeastern arm of Tyrifjorden. Sylling is known for agriculture, particularly the cultivation of fruit. Local farms have a long history of cultivation of strawberries and vegetables. The good soil is due to gravel after the Last glacial period including Sylling-moraine. Its population is about 1700. (5. september 2020) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sylling |
The 9 became the first Brits to miss their lives in the battle of Norway in 1940. They were later buried here at Sylling church together with an aircraftsman from another downed British aircraft. (5. september 2020) https://www.geocaching.com/geocache/GC48V39_in-memory-of-those-who-did-not-return-l2167-2 |
https://www.norske-kirker.net/home/buskerud/sylling-kirke/ |
Tyrifjorden (Lake Tyri) is a lake in Norway. It lies 40 kilometres (25 mi) northwest of Oslo and is the nation's fifth largest lake with an area of 139 km2. It has a volume of 13 km3, is 295 meters deep at its deepest, and lies 63 meters above sea level. The lake's primary source is the Begna river, which discharges into Tyrifjorden at Hønefoss where the river forms the waterfall of Hønefossen. Its primary outlet is at Vikersund near the lake's southwest corner, where Tyrifjorden discharges into the Drammenselva river. (5. september 2020) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tyrifjorden |
![]() Utsikt over Tyrifjorden |
![]() Vi nærmer oss Tyrifjord Hotell |
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Vi har nok gjort noen avstikkere underveis, for km-tellerne på begge syklene viste 71 km |
Fredag 28.
august 2020 Første dag av turen hadde vi veldig fint vær. Da vi sto opp på dag 2, lå tåka nedover åssidene. Heldigvis letta den etterhvert, og det ble en ny fin dag. Etappen på dag 2 var ikke så lang. Vi skulle bare inn til Hønefoss. Men først var vi innom Vikersund Hoppsenter. |
![]() Stranda til Tyrifjord hotell |
![]() En grå morgen |
![]() Heggen kirke i tåke |
In 1894, Vikersund SK was established and started with ski jumping. Until the 1930s, they used six different ski jumping hills around the area. By then, the club had fostered sufficiently good jumpers that it was proposed to build a proper hill. A committee was established on 19 March 1935 and led by Gustav N. Hovde. At first they found a suitable location north of Heggen. However, they failed to reach an agreement with the land owner. Instead, Hovde proposed using the steep hill close to Heggen Church. After purchasing the land, construction started later in 1935. The original hill was designed by Thunold Hansen. Construction cost 6,290 Norwegian krone (NOK), of which NOK 1000 was borrowed and the rest of financed through private donations. The first hill had a length from the top of the in-run to the bottom of the out-run of 425 meters (1,394 ft) and an elevation difference of 130 meters (430 ft). The in-run was 115 meters (377 ft) long and had an elevation difference of 46 meters (151 ft). The hill was inaugurated on 29 January 1936 with a 50-meter jump by Birger Henriksen. The longest jump on the opening day was made by Reidar Andersen, who jumped 86 meters. |
![]() The main logistical issue with the events was the poor transport service, with only a narrow road to the hill. During the 1950s, the attendance rose well beyond the former 5,000, forcing the road to be upgraded in 1955. By the 1950s, ski jumps were being built larger and in 1954, Kristian Hovde proposed to expand Vikersundbakken, which he hoped would allow jumps of 100 meters (330 ft). The hill was rebuilt for the 2012 Ski Flying World Championships. It was the first in the world with a hill size of 225 meters, making Vikersundbakken the largest ski flying hill in the world at the time. It has been built further into the terrain with sidewalls made of natural gravel to avoid wind problems during competitions. Furthermore, it has been slanted slightly to the south from the inrun area to further reduce wind problems. The hill was ready for the 2011 Trial Ski Flying World Championships held on 11–13 February 2011. The old inrun was demolished in 2010. The engineers of the new and larger hill were |
![]() Vikersund is a town of 3,148 (in 2016) inhabitants in the municipality capital of Modum, in the county of Buskerud, Norway. Historically, Vikersund been important in the pulp and paper industry. Timber was floated on Tyrifjord past Vikerfossen down the Drammenselva. Modum municipality has many cultural and sports facilities. In Vikersund this includes the Vikersund Ski-Jumping Center with seven ski slopes, golf courses and ski hill. Vikersund is perhaps best known for it ski flying hill, Vikersundbakken. It was first used during the FIS World Cup in February 2011 and regularly hosts World Cup in skiflying. On 18 March 2017 Stefan Kraft set a world record in the ground with 253.5 m, while Dmitri Vassiliev flew to 254 m, but crashed. (5. september 2020) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vikersund |
![]() Heggen kirke |
![]() Vikersund fra hoppsenteret. |
![]() Tåka har letta. |
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Innsjekking på Scandic i Hønefoss og middag på Salt og Pepper. Scandic Hønefoss ligger midt i sentrum av Hønefoss. Hotellet ligger 60 minutter fra Gardermoen og har gode forbindelser med flybuss. Fra Oslo tar det 50 minutter med bil. |
opprinnelig plassert i bybruas sørende, men fordi den har rennende vann skapte den problemer for trafikken. Mange mente dessuten at den heller skulle vært plassert ut i fossen, og dit ble den omsider flyttet i 1987. (5. september 2020) https://no.wikipedia.org/wiki/H%C3%B8nefossen |
Hønefossen located right in the center of Hønefoss and is a magnificent sight when the river floods Begna spring. The lake´s primary source is the Begna river, which discharges into Tyrifjorden at Hønefoss where the river forms the Hønefossen waterfall. Just up the waterfall is Northern park as a "green oasis" in the summer months, how many choose to take their photographs from when the waterfall roars. (5. september 2020) http://www.gonorway.com/norway/articles/4948 |
![]() Hønefossen |
![]() The Twist |
![]() The Twist |
![]() Fra The Twist |
The Twist is a gallery, a bridge, and a sculpture, all in one. The 1000 square meter building twists into a sculptural form and spans 60 meters across the Randselva river. The building was designed by the Danish star architects BIG - Bjarke Ingels Group and is named as a "must-see" cultural destination by the New York Times, Bloomberg and The Telegraph, among others. (6. september 2020) https://www.kistefosmuseum.com/art/the-twist-gallery |
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who use it as a fountain in it in the summer. (6. september 2020) https://www.kistefosmuseum.com/sculpture/the-sculpture-park |
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of inspiration and the starting point for the sculpture. It is the energy Hein himself experienced in the encounter with Kistefos that he wants to convey to the audience. While the project was still in the melting pot, Hein conducted a pilgrimage on the St. Olav’s routes between Oslo and Trondheim. Hein’s meeting with the nature and serenity of the journey represents a turning point in his practice. Silence has long been an important part of Hein’s artistic practice. However, the importance and understanding of silence were given a renewed and stronger prominence on this journey. (6. september 2020) https://www.kistefosmuseum.com/sculptur/path-of-silence |
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that visitors may use. A kaleidoscope is an optical device that allows you to see mirror images of mirror images with continually new patterns appearing as you twist it so that it catches new mirror images of the surroundings. Artist: Olafur Eliasson (6. september 2020) https://www.kistefosmuseum.com/sculptur/viewing-machine |
![]() 2011 All of Nature Flows Through Us by Marc Quinn is a true copy of Christen Sveeas' iris. By leading the river through the eye, the artist emphasizes the direct connection between man and nature and encourages us to take responsibility for nature and our surroundings. (6. september 2020) https://www.kistefosmuseum.com/sculpture/the-sculpture-park |
![]() 2011 S-Curve At first, the sculpture appears to not be present as something material, it is visible only by virtue of reflecting light and the landscape around it. The mirror surface twists and turns the reflections of shrubs and trees, it enlarges and decreases and challenges our perception of ambient perspectives. Kapoor’s artwork is thus primarily an image, but also a sculptural and an architectural form. Above all, however, it is an experience that is constantly changing in harmony with the nature that surrounds it. (6. september 2020) https://www.kistefosmuseum.com/sculptur/s-curve |
![]() Flowers in the Attic Gjennom sitt kunstneriske samarbeid utforsker Djurberg og Berg menneskets skyggesider, psyke og moral. Ved hjelp av skulpturer, animasjoner, lyd og gåtefulle installasjoner, konstruerer kunstnerne en verden med emosjonelle spenninger, konflikt, makt, lyst og fantasi. Verkens ofte makabre essens, kombineres med svart humor og en absurd tilnærming. (6. september 2020) https://www.kistefosmuseum.com/exhibitions/flowers-in-the-attic |
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Turen tilbake til Hønefoss gikk mye lettere enn turen opp til Kistefoss. Etter litt avslapping på rommet gikk vi ut for å spise middag. Det var lørdagskveld og fullt på de fleste restauranter, men på Salt og Pepper fikk vi et bord. |
hadde kirken vesttårn, skip, kor og apside bevart, men kor og apside ble da revet. Den fikk da også korsarmer. Av middelalderkirken er tårnet, deler av skipet, tårnets vestportal og skipets vest og sørportal bevart. |
men det var lenge vanlig å datere den til siste halvdel av 1100-tallet. Kirken, som i dag fremstår som korskirke, står på Norderhov, like sør for Hønefoss, langs europavei 16 og nærmest midt i Norges største frukthage (eplehage), som ligger i Ringerike kommune i Buskerud. Kirken er blant annet kjent for sin nære tilknytning til prestefruen Anna Colbjørnsdatter og svenskeslaget på Norderhov i 1716. (6. september 2020) https://no.wikipedia.org/wiki/Norderhov_kirke |
Ringerike Museum![]() Kirkeklokke fra slutten av 1300-tallet, som tidligere hang i Norderhov kirke. Ringerikes Museum was founded in 1923. It acquired and moved into the enormous timber building Norderhov vicarage around 1960. The house dates back to 1635, and until 1960 it was the residence of the vicar of Norderhov church, Anna Colbjørnsdatter |
Anna Colbjørnsdatter, tricked several hundred Swedish soldiers in the battle of Norderhov in 1716. A large number of Swedish soldiers were killed. Bullet holes in the walls and weapons in the room bear witness to the terrible event. The dried up body of Anna is still in the crypt of Norderhov church. Jørgen Moe It was here, in Norderhov’s old vicarage, that the fairytale authors Jørgen Moe and Peter Christen Asbjørnsen met for the first time, when they were just 13–14 years old. This is where they laid the foundations for a life-long friendship that awakened their interest in collecting Norwegian fairytales. The museum has hundreds of objects from their lives. http://www.ringerikes.museum.no/english/ (6. september 2020) Ringerike's museum - Building/cultural environment in Hønefoss, Ringerike - Visit Innlandet (visit-innlandet.no) (27. mars 2022) |
![]() Kroksund bru, gang og sykkelveien. |
![]() Steinsfjorden (sett fra Kroksund bru) er cirka 13,9 km² i utbredelse og forbundet med Tyrifjorden via Kroksund (E16 passerer over sundet via Kroksund bru og veifyllinger på hver side). Fjorden har en gjennomsnittlig dybde på ca. 10,2 meter og maksdybde på ca. 24 m. (6. september 2020) https://no.wikipedia.org/wiki/Steinsfjorden_(Buskerud) |
bru er ei
to-felts veibru langs Europavei
16 som løper
mellom Sundøya og Slettøya,
to småøyer som ligger
i Kroksundet mellom Tyrifjorden og Steinsfjorden i Hole kommune, Buskerud. Den første brua over Kroksundet sto ferdig i 1807 og må sees i sammenheng med byggingen av den bergenske kongevei mellom Lommedalen og Sundvollen over Krokskogen. Peder Anker ville legge den bergenske hovedvei over Ringerike og sørget for å anlegge broen. Den ble åpnet fram til Sundvollen i 1805, der det var sundsted. Arbeidene med å bygge ei bru ble startet av militære mannskaper alt i 1806, men de rakk bare å få østre fylling mellom Sundvollen og Sundøya ferdig, før krigen med Sverige satte en stopper for det videre arbeidet. |
Den første
brua var ei flytebru gjort av tømmer, med en lem midt på
som kunne løftes slik at båttrafikken kunne passere sundet. Utpå 1850-tallet ble det gjort ei ny steinbru der, og denne står fortsatt, i det den utgjør fundament for dagens to-feltsbru. Den gamle steinbrua, som hadde sterkt hvelvet veibane, er nå gang- og sykkelbru og synes lett fra vannsidene. Det lengste spennet på den gamle steinbroen ble sprengt 12. april 1940 for å hindre tysk fremrykning. I dag er det fyllinger mellom Sundvollen og Sundøya og mellom Slettøya og Kroksund slik at det kun er bru mellom de to øyene. Midt under brua er det passasje for båttrafikken gjennom en større åpning i den gamle steinbrua. (6. september 2020) https://no.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kroksund_bru |
south of Hønefoss, and 38 km (24 mi) northwest of Oslo city centre. Utøya is owned by the Workers' Youth League (AUF), a youth group associated with the Labour Party, which holds an annual summer camp there. On 22 July 2011, a mass shooting took place at the AUF's summer youth camp, where 650 young people were staying. Anders Behring Breivik arrived alone on Utøya dressed as a police officer and told those on the island that he was there for security reasons following the explosions in Oslo which took place a few hours before. |
![]() En rast ved Utøya bussholdeplass. He then began shooting at individuals, continuing until the police arrived one hour after the first alarm call. The suspect immediately surrendered. Combined, the attacks in Oslo and Utøya left 77 dead, with 69 killed on the island, 33 of whom were under the age of 18. (6. september 2020) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ut%C3%B8ya |
![]() Utøya |
![]() Holsfjorden mot Sylling |
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tilbake til 1. side |